在职硕士GCT考试上海交通大学英语讲义11—Word(s) with multi-meaning.ppt

在职硕士GCT考试上海交通大学英语讲义11—Word(s) with multi-meaning.ppt

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在职硕士GCT考试上海交通大学英语讲义11—Word(s) with multi-meaning

Word(s) with multi-meaning ①Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 Rem without being damaged. 科学家们有理由相信,一个人可以承受远远超过0.1雷姆的辐射而不至于受到伤害。 think原义是“认为”,最好引申为“相信”; put up with 原义为“容忍”,最好引申为‘承受‘。 To be continued… Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the others. 然后我们让他们从没有标志的四种可乐样品中每次喝一种,一组(接受实验的)人喝普通可乐, 另一组(接受实验的)人喝低糖型可乐。 Unidentified 原义为未确认出的或身份为查明的;这里可理解成没有标记的; Diet 原义为节食,现为低糖的。 Go on… We find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants, and such –like factors common to all biological situations; 我们(会)发现我们必须考虑到诸如气候、土壤、植物以及类似的因素,这些因素对所有的生物环境都是存在的。 deal with 原义为处理,涉及,论述,这里引申为考虑。 Still more… What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identitu than to step out of uniform? 对于护士、警察、理发师或是服务员来说,还有什么比脱下制服更容易的方法使人们看不出他们的职业身份呢? step out of 原义为挣脱,这里引申为脱下。 But that the police arrived, he might have been killed. 要不是警察到了,他可能已经没命了。 (but that 的理解很关键) The mad man was intensively monitored for fear that he injure himself. 这个疯子被严格监管,以防他他伤到自己。 (for fear that /lest/in case 都表示以防) Subjunctive mood I could have skinned Andrew in front of the whole audience. 我可能会当观众的面剥安德鲁的皮。 我恨不得当观众的面剥安德鲁的皮。Better! A smoother tongue and a milder manner would have been better suited to the situation. 一种更圆滑的讲话和更温和的态度更适应那种场合。 BETTER: 假如当时讲话圆滑些,态度温和些,那局面会更好。 Subjunctive mood His linguistic works presented much data on languages otherwise little known. 他的语言学著作提供很多语言方面的数据,否则人们就会所知甚少。 BETTER: 他的语言学著作提供了很多原本不为人们所知的语言材料。 Subjunctive mood I’d as soon you were in Shanghai now. 现在我和你一样快到上海。? 我宁愿你现在在上海。? (I’d rather/I’d sooner/I’d as soon/ I’d prefer ) 都表示“我宁愿”的虚拟语气句型。 对否定句子的理解 Not that he is ready to do such a demanding job. 他不愿意接受这样费力的工作。 The wedding ceremony is nothing but luxurious 婚典是奢侈的。


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