山东 英语(二)unit 1A PPT.ppt

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山东 英语(二)unit 1A PPT

Unit 1 How Difficult Is English Text A How Difficult Is English New Words sacrifice [s?krifais] n. (1) 祭品,祭献 [ C U ] They offered a pig as a sacrifice.他们把一头猪作为祭品。 (2) 牺牲,献出 [ C U ] Parents often make sacrifices for their children. 父母经常为孩子们做出牺牲。 determination [di,t?:minei??n] n. ~ (to do sth) 决心,决定 eg: My father was a man of determination. She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success. 她有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。 New Words determine [dit?:min] vt. 决定;决心 ~ to do / - clause eg: He determined to start early. They have determined where the new school will be built. be determined to do sth 决心做某事; determine on / upon sth 决定决定采纳或决心用某某方案 They determined on an early start. 他们决定采纳早些出发。 New Words New Words annoy [?n?i] vt. cause slight anger to sb 使某人不悦,惹恼 annoyed [?‘n?id] adj. rather angry 颇为生气的 ~ (with sb) (at/about sth); ~ (that … / to do sth) He got very annoyed with me about my carelessness. annoying [?n?ii?] adj. causing slight anger ▽That man was rude and what he said made me ____.A annoying B annoy C annoyed what he said was ____. A annoying B annoy C annoyed New Words address [?‘dres] n.称呼;地址 Whats your home address? ? vt. (1) write a letter to sb 给某人写信; (2) make a speech to sb ;state向...致词,向...发表演说 He is going to address the meeting.他将向大会作演说。 (3)称呼(+as) He addressed her as Miss Mattie. 他称呼她为玛蒂小姐。 addressee [,?dre‘si:] n. 听话者,受话者 addresser [?‘dres?] n. 发言人,发信人 New Words contact [‘k?nt?kt] n. vt. vi. 接触 ,联系 make contact (with sb/sth) 与某人取得联系 eg: They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电与总部取得了联系。 New Words Text Analysis Para 1 ①Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in China, with English on top of the list. New Words Text Analysis ③Parents hire private tutors for their school children; adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing


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