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案例7 The Men’s Wearhouse:Growth in a Declining Market. 案例7思考题 1,本男士服装屋的文化价值观是什么? 2,他们是如何把握市场消费群的心理?(男士不爱买服装?) 3,具体的绩效考评与多元化的薪酬激励制度是什么? 4,他们是如何发挥团队组织的作用的? 5,他们是如何实现“服务”目标的? 6,他们的领导方式是什么? CASE:The Man’s Wearhouse Background: 1973,in Houston,Texas; 7000; Raincoats; Retailing; 1999, 600 stores; Strategy Target:Middle to upper middle-income men; 20%-30% below the regular retail price; Assumption:men do not like to shop; Every day low price strategy; Small stores; No print advertising,relaying on radio and TV; Outstanding customer care; Values and philosophy People business,not suit business; Humanistic:potential; Self-actualized people; Employee;customers;vendors;the community;shareholders; Teamwork,helping others; Company operates Staffing:looking for people who have energy,have a sense of excitement,seem like they care about people,and don’t care about how much clothing background they have; Use its own people; Learn from mistakes; compensation Base salary; Commission;3 percent for sales under 500;7 for over 500 ; Total:25000 to 30000 per year; 20 for “good”;40 for “excellent” monthly storewide awards; Stock ownership plan; Training and development Promotion from within; Senior managers provide training and coaching; Building and transmitting the culture; Formal meetings, Selling skill and market knowledge; Raises their self esteem and self image; Performance management Constructive feedback; Feedback is behaviorally specific; Leadership and communication Maintaining cultural consistency and core values; Personal contact; Informal social contact outside work; Leaders to help develop their people,not be bosses who order others around; 案例点评 1,Humanism文化价值观的落实:充分尊重雇员和关心雇员; 2,把握市场消费群的心理:男士不爱买服装。 A,不爱讨价还价; B,不爱花费过多的时间;喜欢方便快捷; C,服务态度要求高; D,注重产品或商家的信誉; 3,具体的绩效考评与多元化的薪酬制度; A,基本薪酬(按小时计酬); B,佣金(500以下,3%;以上7%); C,团队绩效奖励(20 for good;40 for excellent); D,长期的员工持股计划。 4,注重员工培训开发,保持较为稳定的队伍,以实现“服务”的目标; A,潜能开发; B,经验交流; C,技能训练(selling skill); 5,领导方式:服务型(servant leadership)He


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