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课程安排: 教学目标 ---了解什么是数词,分类,及它的用法 教学重点 ---数词的表达法 教学难点 ---写数词的规则 教学环节: 1. 复习 2. 总结上次课内容 3. 新课---数字的表达法 4. 练习 5. 总结 6. 作业 数词是表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。 基数词: (表示数目,数量的数词) eg: two books 两本书 eleven students 十一个学生 twenty apples 二十个苹果 数字---基数词(表示数目,数量的数词) 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18eighteen 19nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 hundred 序数词:表示顺序的数词,“第....” “the+序数词” 序数词构成:基数词+th (除了第一the first,第二the second, 第三the third) 1. 数+th four---the fourth 2. t+h eight---the eighth 3. ve→f+th five---the fifth 4. nine →ninth 5. 整十的单词以ty结尾,ty →tie+t twenty---the twentieth 基数词变序数词? 【速记口诀】 基变序,有规律; 一、二、三,个别记; -th从四起,八加-h,九去-e; -ve要用-f替,以y结尾变-ie; 几十几,几百几,首词不变尾变序。 数词的表达法: 百位“and”十位“—”个位 123: 100 and 20-3 one hundred and twenty-three 572: 500 and 70-2 five hundred and seventy-two 易错点: 112: 100 and 10-2 one hundred and ten-two 100 and 12 one hundred and twelve 百位“and”十位“—”个位 用and的两种情况①百位“and”十位 ②中间为0时 eg: 313: three hundred and thirteen 303:three hundred and three 901: nine hundred and one 2009 306 501 百--- hundred 千---thousand 百万---million 十亿---billion 12,654: 12个千,600 and 50-4 twelve thousand, six hundred and fifty-four 1,589,723: 1个百万,500 and 80-9个千,700 and 20-3 one million, five hundred and eighty-nine thousand, seven hundred and twenty-three 13,598 13个千,500 and 90-8 thirteen thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight 347,469 300 and 40-7个千,400 and 60-9 three hundred and forty-seven thousand, four hundred and sixty-nine 12,009 twelve thousand and nine 1,034 one thousand


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