新世纪商务英语综合教程2 unit2.ppt

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新世纪商务英语综合教程2 unit2

Text III_ GA_2 Background Group Assignment Detailed Reading TEXT III Speaking/Writing Present your findings in class and make some comments on the results. Write a summary of one of the culture-related issues in the Unit. Refer to the Writing Skills Box for tips on summary writing. Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_ main Sentence Translation Useful Expressions Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_1.1 1.令人喜欢的、使人愉快的 exhilarating 2.日益增强的经济联系 ever-stronger economic ties 3.将(不愉快的、不受欢迎的事物)强加于某人 to impose sth (on/upon sb) 4.不可抗拒的 overwhelming 5.为…铺平道路 pave the way for … 6.专横的气势,盛气凌人的力量 domineering force 7.被连珠炮似的提问 be bombarded with 8.深远的影响 far-reaching effect Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_1.2 9. 文化的传播 dissemination of culture 10.以…为代价 at the expense of 11.小心,谨慎 be wary about 12.使自己遭到 lay oneself open to 13.绩效考核 performance appraisals 14.社会等级 social hierarchy 15.社会流动性 social mobility 16.文化多样性 cultural heterogeneity 17.一直存在的 ever-present Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_1.3 20.以…为特征 be characterized by 18.向谁表示敬意 in honor of 19.与…协同一致 be consistent with 23.除去 save for 21.参与,介入 take a hand in 22.身外之物 worldly possessions Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_1.5 1.习惯和敬畏要比人们所知道的还难克服,除非他们真的努力避免多年的积习。(circumvent) Habit and awe are harder to overcome than people realize until they actually try to circumvent the conduct of years. 2. 移动电话智能化程度越高,人们就越容易受到大量来电的困扰,有朋友打来的,有雇主打来的,也有来自广告商的信息和服务,这样人们留给自己的时间就会越来越少。(be bombarded with) The smarter mobile phones get, the more people will be bombarded with calls from friends, employers and information or offers from advertisers — and the less time they will have for themselves. Testing Study Skills Usage Writing Skills Language Practice_ Testing_1.6 3. 他们也定期走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风景并汲取丰富的文化遗产。(imbibe) They also visit China regularly in order to appreciate its splendors and imbibe its


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