必威体育精装版北师大版高中选修八 Unit24 Culture Corner课件.ppt

必威体育精装版北师大版高中选修八 Unit24 Culture Corner课件.ppt

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必威体育精装版北师大版高中选修八 Unit24 Culture Corner课件

Culture Corner 高二北师大版模块八 Unit 24 Society Golden Ages Part I Warm-up What does “Golden Age” mean? It refers to periods in history that represent high points in human achievement. Do you know them? Hippocrates 希波克拉底 古希腊医师 Herodotus 希罗多德 古希腊历史学家 Sophocles 索福克勒斯 古希腊三大悲剧家之一 Aeschylus 埃斯库洛斯 古希腊三大悲剧家之一 Euripides 欧里庇得斯 古希腊三大悲剧家之一 Parthenon 帕台农神庙 Botticelli 波提切利 意大利文艺复兴时期画家 米开朗基罗 Leonardo da Vinci 列奥纳多·达·芬奇 Marlowe 马洛 英国戏剧家、诗人 Ancient Greece Ancient Italy Elizabethan England The 5th century BC Protegra, Socrates, Plato Hippocrates Herodotus Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides Ancient Greece Time: Scholars in philosophy: Western medicine: Western history: Playwrights: Time: The centre of Renaissance: Painters and sculptors: The 15th century Florence Botticelli, Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci. Renaissance Italy Late 16th and early 17th century Great literary creativity Marlowe, Johnson, Webster, Shakespeare Elizabethan England Time: Character of this time: Famous playwrights: Part II Reading Task 1. Read through the text and find out the correct structure of the text. 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 √ 2. Read the text and answer these questions. What common characteristic did the cities of Athens, Florence and London share which led to the transformation of their societies? Why did the local people in Florence get the chance to go to school? Why were theatres so popular in London? What common characteristic did the cities of Athens, Florence and London share which led to the transformation of their societies? They all made exceptional leaps forward in cultural, scientific and social achievements. 2. Why did the local people in Florence get the chance to go to school? Because they wanted to ensure that there was a good supply of educated laborers to work in the Florentine Economy. 3. Why were theatres so popular in London? Because both poor people and wealthy merchants were looking for ways of enjoying themselves and learning new things about the world. Part V Discussion An


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