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(世界遺產1-中國文化遺產) World Cultural Heritage 世界文化遺產 The Great Wall 長城 Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang 故宮 Mogao Caves 莫高窟 The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 秦始皇陵 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 周口店北京人遺址 The Mountain Resort in Chengde City 承德避暑山莊 Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 曲阜孔廟、孔林、孔府 Mount Wudang 武當山 Potala Palace in Lhasa 布達拉宮 Mount Lushan 廬山 Information of this file 主題: (世界遺產1-文化遺產-中國) POI作者: CHIEMI 團製負責人:老Q仔 最後更新日期: (2007.05.20) 範本由 Christy Tsang 製作,網址於/baby 如要編輯檔案修改內容,請先執行Powerpoint程式,再開啟本檔案 此範本作者為 Christy Tsang。所有經此範本製作的檔案,只能由家長作教育用途。除非得到 Christy Tsang 同意,否則此範本或由此範本所製作的檔案均不能用作商業用途。 如希望更了解這套教學方式,請參考<如何教寶寶閱讀>及<如何教寶寶百科知識>,以及參觀 和 。 How to use this file You can play slides show, print word cards or picture cards, store program of intelligence of pictures by using this file. The table in the first page shows 30 lessons for words+pictures, 30 lessons for pictures and 15 lessons for words. You can click the link of appropriate lesson and enjoy them with your baby/child. Each lesson last for less than 30 seconds. There are 3 kinds of lesson that you can play with: Words+Pictures: shows 10 words+pictures, word first and then the picture Pictures: shows 10 pictures Words: shows 10 words Each lesson shows word/pictures in different sequences so as not to bore the baby. You don’t need to play all 3 kinds of lesson, just show your baby what you want him/her to learn. It is recommended by the How To Teach Your Baby to Read book by Dr Glenn Doman that words should be showed 3 times a day for 5 days, pictures should be showed 3 times a day for 10 days, and no more. It is because the child would have learnt them and would get bored if you continue to show the material. Also, there should be at least 30 minutes break between each lesson. Apart from playing slide show, you can printing cards with picture at one side and name/subject of the picture on the other side. Or you can print


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