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电动汽车用电机及其控制系统的应用与发展 Application and Development Trend of Motor Control Systems for EV and HEV 内容提要 Outlines 电动汽车的发展趋势以及对电机系统的要求 EV/HEV trend and requirement for electric drive systems 电动汽车用电机系统技术及其发展趋势 Description and development trend in electric drive systems 电动汽车用电机系统面临的挑战与对策 Challenges and solutions for electric drive systems 大郡简介 Brief overview of Dajun 中国电动汽车的发展前景 EV/HEV in China 历史性机遇 Historical Opportunities 汽车动力电气化已成为汽车技术发展的趋势 Powertrain Electrificaiton is trend for future “节能减排”的国策鼓励电动汽车及混合动力汽车的大发展 Energy Saving and Emission Reduction is China’s Long Term National Policy 电动汽车发展所面临的挑战 Challenges for EV/HEV 电动汽车技术仍有待于完善,尤其是关键零部件如电池和电机制约了电动汽车的发展进程; Limited by Key Components such as batteries and motor drive systems 电动汽车市场受到产品可靠性、成本等因素的制约,需要一段成长周期 Reliability and cost of EV/HEV products are of concern to consumers 消费者对新能源汽车的积极性受油价的影响 Consumer acceptance of EV/HEV is influenced by oil price 市场将在未来3-5年逐步上量 There will be 3-5 years before the market really ramps up 混合动力系统实现方案 Examples of HEV Systems 电动汽车应用对电机系统的要求 EV/HEV Requirements for Electric Machines 结构紧凑、尺寸小 Compact in Size 重量轻 Light in Weight 可靠性高 High Reliability 效率高 High Efficiency 低噪声、低震动 Low audible noise, Low Vibration 调速范围宽 Wide Speed Range 成本低 Low Cost 汽车电机与普通工业电机之比较 常用交流无刷电机类型 Common Types of AC Motors 电机技术发展趋势:永磁-磁阻同步电机 PM-Reluctance Synchronous (PMRS) Motor 动力总成趋势:电机与变速箱的优化组合 Optimal Combination of Motor and Gears 电机尺寸取决于峰值力矩(而不是功率!)以及电机的散热能力 The motor size is determined by the TORQUE (not the power!) and the motor cooling system capability. 根据实际应用需要优化配置电机与变速箱(减速机)组合 System optimization can be achieved through motor/gear combination 丰田混合动力系统的改进 Size/Weight Reduction in Toyota’s HEV system 通过采用减速齿轮,在电机尺寸基本不变的情况下,其功率增加了2.5倍 电力电子控制器发展趋势 Trend in Power Electronics Controller 新控制器拓扑结构 New topology 逆变器+大功率DC/DC 高集成度 High level of integration ISG控制器+牵引电机控制器+DC/DC Integration of ISG controller, traction motor controller and Low voltage DC/DC 电力电子控制器与电池管理模块集成 Motor controller integrated



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