第19讲 Pragmatics and Translation.ppt

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第19讲 Pragmatics and Translation

Pragmatics and Translation What is pragmatics? Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics dealing with language in use. It concerns the relation between the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader), the situation/context, and especially the purpose of the speaker (writer). A Poem When a diplomat says ‘yes’, he means ‘perhaps’; when a diplomat says ‘perhaps’, he means ‘no’; and when a diplomat says ‘no’, he is no diplomat. When a lady says ‘no’, she means ‘perhaps’; when a lady says ‘perhaps’, she means ‘yes’, when a lady says ‘yes’, she is no lady. -- by Voltaire Pragmatics Translation 语用学理论各个领域可用于翻译研究,如: 指示语(deictics: this) 预设 (presupposition) 合作原则(The Cooperative Principle) 关联理论(Maxim of Relevance) 话语礼貌( Maxim of manner) 言语行为理论(speech act theory) 会话含义(conversational implicature) 会话分析(conversational analysis) A Case in Hongkong A (a Hongkong police officer): Sir? B (an Englishman, the head of the police office ) : Yes, what is it? A: My mother is not very well, sir. B: So? A: She has to go into hospital, sir. B: Well, get on with it. What do you want? A: On Thursday, sir. B: Bloody hell, man, what do you want? A: Nothing, sir. Comment: C. Maxim of manner : statement + request E. Maxim of relevance : request + statement 语用翻译:语用学理论在翻译中的应用 1.这箱子,你提不提得动? Can you lift the box?(appropriate?) 2. 红白喜事 3. 争取运动成绩和精神文明双丰收。 For better athletic records and sportsmanship. Today’s Contents Purpose of communication Communicative euphemism Addressing terms Conventional greetings Stylistic connotations People may use different expressions for the same purpose. Can I have some water? Have you got anything to drink? Shall we have some drink? Don’t you think we’d better have some drink now? Do you mind having some drink? I can do with a cup of tea. I’m really thirsty. I wonder if you have something to quench my thirst. People may use the same expression for different purposes. 需要买点什么? Can I help you? A sho


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