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As a young boy, Albert Einstein did so poorly in school that teachers thought he was slow. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants in the French Army. And the teenage George Washington, with little formal education, was being trained not as a soldier but as a land surveyor.
2. 尽管他们的起步平淡无奇,但是后来个个都青史留名。究竟是什么使他们成了伟人呢?是否他们生来就有什么特别?亦或他们的伟大与生逢其时、与献身精神,也许与一种坚定的个性更为有关?
Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. What was it that enabled them to become great? Were they born with something special? Or did their greatness have more to do with timing, devotion and, perhaps, an uncompromising personality?
3. 几十年来,科学家们一直在问这样的问题。在过去几年里,他们已经发现了一些情况,这些情况有助于解释为什么有些人出类拔萃,而另一些人----也许同样具有才华----却被抛在了后面。他们的发现可能对我们每个人都有意义。
For decades, scientists have been asking such questions. And, in the past few years, they have found evidence to help explain why some people rise above, while others—similarly talented, perhaps—are left behind. Their findings could have implications for us all.
4. 谁是伟人?伟人的定义取决于如何衡量成功。但标准还是有的。“对人类文明做出永久性贡献的人是伟大的,”基思-西蒙顿院长说。他是加州大学戴维斯分校的一名心理学教授,是1994年出版的《伟大:谁创造了历史,原因何在》一书的作者。但他又提醒说:“有时候伟人并没有被载入史册。许多女性取得了巨大成就,或者颇具影响力,但却没有得到公认。
Who is great? Defining who is great depends on how one measures success. But there are some criteria. Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great, said Dean Keith Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and author of the 1994 book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why. But he added a word of caution: Sometimes great people dont make it into the history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went unrecognized.
5. 在这本书的写作中,西蒙顿融合了关于伟大人物的历史知识以及遗传学、精神病学和社会科学领域的必威体育精装版发现。他所聚焦的伟人包括获得过诺贝尔奖、领导过伟大国家或打赢过战争、谱写过流芳百世的交响乐、或在科学、哲学、政治、艺术上引起过巨变的男女人物。虽然他没