美国文学第一章课件 American_History.ppt 2 - 副本.ppt

美国文学第一章课件 American_History.ppt 2 - 副本.ppt

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美国文学第一章课件 American_History.ppt 2 - 副本

Part I The Literature of Colonial America 北美殖民时期文学(1607-1750) 所以,让我们选择生活, 这样,我们和我们的后代, 可以听从上帝的声音, 须臾不离上帝, 因为,上帝是我们的生命, 我们的兴旺。 —— 约翰·温斯罗普 The history of America 1.1492 Columbus reached the new continent. The Puritans The Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans leaders saw the New world as the a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save. Why did the early settlers come to America? Opportunity It drew English merchants who dreamed of establishing great new estates out of the wildness. It drew carpenters, bakers, tailors and other skilled workmen who could not find job in England. It drew the poor and the homeless from farmlands and villages. It drew many English in search of religious freedom. Relations of American Indians with European settlers 5.The Founding of the 13 Colonies The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607; known as the mother state Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America. Later, the Independent War. * American History and Selected Reading Teacher: Zhang Juan 1492 Conquest of Paradise 2. Many years later, another Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucci reached the new continent. America was named after him. All these adventures were sponsored by the Spanish King. 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇号是意大利海军的一 艘高桅横帆船,她的名字来源于探险家 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家, 从1497年到1504年 Amerigo Vespucci 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。他对于 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。这 些文字在欧洲流传甚广并给他带来极大 的声誉:人们认为他是真实的美洲的发现者 3. In the middle of the 16th century, British Navy defeated the Spanish Navy, and Britain became more and more powerful. 英国皇家海军是英国三军中最老的军种,负责海上国防、 保护航运、履行国军事协议。 从大约1692年到第一次世界 大战之间,皇家海军是世界上最大、最强的海军;并帮英国 成为18和19世纪最强盛的军事及经济强国;也是维持大英帝 国重要工具。虽然现已势微,皇家海军仍是欧洲最大、世界 上第二大的海军;也是世界上最先进的海军之一。它是大多 数现代海军的先驱;许多英联邦和北大


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