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届 别: 2010届 学 号: 200614070217 毕 业 设 计(论文) 基于STC单片机的多功能电子时钟 姓 名 系 别、 专 业 计算机科学系 计算机科学与技术 导 师 姓 名、职 称 完 成 时 间 2010年03月20日 摘 要 单片机在电子产品中的应用越来越广泛,特别是51系列的单片机,由于其使用方便、价格低廉等优势,在市场上占有很大的份额。AT89S52就是51系列中的一个比较成熟的型号,它完全兼容51单片机的指令。 本文详细介绍了基于AT89S52单片机的数字电子钟的设计,本电子钟可以实现日期、时间的显示和调整,带有整点提示和一个闹钟,并且可以显示当前气温。 本设计包括硬件设计和软件设计两部分。主要硬件有:三端稳压器LM7805、AT89S52单片机、字符型液晶显示模块HY1602A、单总线数字温度计DS18B20和若干按键等。软件大致思路为:使用12MHz的晶振,单片机内部的定时器0工作在方式1,每计数50000个机器周期(即50ms)产生一次中断,中断20次就是一秒,这样就可以实现精确计时的目的。用数字温度计DS18B20测量当前气温,在把实时数据显示在LCD1602上的同时,不断扫描按键,如果有按键按下,则对按键做出相应的响应。 关键字:单片机; 电子时钟; 测温; Abstract MCU in the application of electronic products becomes more widely, particularly the 51 series of MCU, because of its ease of use, low prices and other advantages,it’s in a large market share. AT89S52 is a more mature models in the 51series, it is fully compatible with the directive MCU 51. This paper describes the MCU based on the AT89S52 the design of digital electronic clock, the electronic clock can be achieved date, time and adjust the show, it also has the exact point timekeeping and a clock,for the better it can display the current temperature. The design includes hardware and software design in two parts. Main hardware: three-terminal regulator LM7805, AT89S52 MCU, character LCD module HY1602A, single-bus digital thermometer DS18B20 and a number of buttons. the general idea for Software: by use of 12 MHz crystal, the MCUs internal timer 0 works in the methods 1, each count 50,000 machine cycle (50 ms) resulted in an interruption, Composition a second by interrupts 20 times, so that you can achieve precise The purpose of time. After DS18B20 digital thermometer measuring the current temperature,it will be displayed the real-time data on the LCD1602 at the same time, and constantly scan button, if a button is depressed, it will be produce the corresponding response with the button. Keywords:


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