
[农业]兰州希望种禽一分场生产现状分析 张吉刚.doc

[农业]兰州希望种禽一分场生产现状分析 张吉刚.doc

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[农业]兰州希望种禽一分场生产现状分析 张吉刚

甘肃农业大学 毕 业 论 文 兰州希望种禽有限责任公司一分场生产经营现状分析 张吉刚 (学号 指导教师姓名: 李金录 职 称: 讲师 入 学 年 份: 2000年 学 制: 四年 专 业: 动物科学 报 告 时 间: 2004 年 6 月 甘肃农业大学动物科学技术学院 2004 年 6 月 目 录 要Abstrast……………………………………………………………………………………………………1 1前言2 鸡场概况 3一分场养鸡生产现状3.1 育雏3.1.1 育雏前的准备3.1.2 育雏方式3.1.3育雏舍的环境控制 3.1.4断喙3 3.1.5育雏期的免疫3 3.2育成鸡的饲养3.3成鸡的饲养 3.4种蛋的管理及孵化3.5生产性能3.6雏鸡的销售4 一分场存在的问题4.1职工水平较低 4.2管理组织不力4.3鸡场的防疫工作不到位4.4鸡场有大量苍蝇4.5种鸡的断喙4.6后勤供给服务5建议致谢参考文献 兰州希望种禽有限责任公司一分场 生产现状 张 吉 刚 (甘肃农业大学动物科学技术学院 兰州 730070) 摘 要:兰州希望种禽有限公司一分场饲养父母代种鸡为艾维茵和岭南黄。艾维茵种鸡共14000套,全期采用垫料平养,小间自然交配,每只种鸡可提供合格种蛋数155枚,种蛋受精率为94%,受精蛋孵化率为94%;岭南黄种鸡共3000套,育雏育成期用垫料平养,成鸡采用三层笼养,人工授精,每只鸡可提供合格种蛋数150枚,种蛋受精率为94%,受精蛋孵化率为94%。该厂存在职工知识水平较低、组织管理不力、鸡场防疫工作不到位等问题,需要进一步加强饲养管理。 关键词:父母代种鸡场 生产现状 兰州 resent Situation of Production and Management in the First Branch Farm of Lanzhou Hope Poultry Breeding Company Ltd. Zhang Jigang ( Faculty of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070 ) Abstract: Two parent strains, Avain and Lingnanhuang are raised in the first branch farm of Lanzhou Hope Poultry Breeding Company Ltd. There were 14000 sets of Avain rearing on deep litter floor throughout its life. Fertility was 94% after natural mating. Hatchability of fertile egg was 94%. One hundred and fifty-five qualified eggs can be supplied by a parent Avain hen. There were 3000 sets of Lingnanhuang rearing on deep litter floor during the brooding period and growing period and rearing in cage during laying period. Fertility was 94% after artificial insemination. Its hatchability of fertile egg was 94%. One hundred and fifty qualified eggs can be supplied by a parent Lingnanhuang Avain hen. Some problems including deficient education of employee, ineffective management and no strict disease prevent work existed in the farm. We should strive hard to make greater progress in raising and management work. Keyword: parent chicken breeder farm, production,


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