[外语学习]采访Facebook 首席执行官-团队的力量.doc

[外语学习]采访Facebook 首席执行官-团队的力量.doc

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[外语学习]采访Facebook 首席执行官-团队的力量

团队的能量 When I started off I was programming the site and I wrote the first version. 一开始我在编网站,我写了第一个版本 I mean we haven’t, we don’t really have a second version which is constantly 其实我们从来没有第二个版本 So I guess for most of last school year 在上一个学年的大部分时间里 I just worked on scaling and kind of trying to make it keep up with the increasing load 我大部分时间都用在扩大网站规模 以应对不断增长的访问量 And trying to make it so that we can expand more,adding more schools 以便于继续扩大覆盖范围,加入更多的学校 And working on the network infrastructure all that stuff 还有构建网络基础设施之类的 But as time is going along,we’ve also kind of opportunistically hired people who we thought Were really smart 后来 我们抓住时机雇佣了一些很有天分的人 And for most of the last year we were just a few guys working around my kitchen table and That was pretty fun 去年大部分时间我们还都是围在我的餐桌旁工作,很有趣 But I guess around in february 我记得在二月的时候 We got an office and then we kind of took all these people who we’ve been hiring brought Them into one space, which is interesting 我们有了自己的办公室 所有人都转移到那里工作 很有意思 Because that for the first time, I kind of looked up and just like 平生第一次 当我抬起头 Wow, you know I have a team of engineers here and like a lot of smart people who can start building a lot of stuff in a different way that is currently being done 看到一队高智商的工程师在为我工作,用不同于以往的方式创造新产品 我觉得很自豪 You know,right now it’s me and whoever it was and me and my roommate Dustin and just Come sitting there work serially on one project,and then finishing it and then planning How on doing the next project. 当时是我和室友Dustin以及其他一些人,坐下来一步步进行一个项目,完成它,然后再 设计下一个项目。 And with like little help from the other people who are around, but trying to figure out how to manage the transition from doing that 我们各干各的,很少向他人寻求帮助,但我们都试图找到一种方法去改变着这种状况 Most especially when you’re kind of the one of the people’s programming 尤其当你就是正在写程序的人之一时。 Just say,ok we have eight real intelligent people here 也就是说,假如我们有八个天才, What’s now the most efficient use of people’s time 怎样能使他们工作得最高效呢 Like how can people maybe be working on stuff not serially 比如摒弃连续作业的


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