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UNIT 5 2014.10 Business English: A Reading Course BACKGROUND INFORMATION 有人说:你不理财,财不理你。 如何理财? 有人投资停车场、农场牲畜、金币:价值可能降低,但较稳妥保险; 专业人士建议,考虑“钱生钱”: 购买债券、债券型基金和货币市场基金、黄金、艺术品、房地产、纪念币和邮票等,要善于管理,确保它们产出利润; 关注私人不动产抵押贷款和汽车保险,以避免不必要的损失; 善于利用打折信息,减少货币支出; 网上购物等。 WARM-UP QUESTIONS 1. At the time of the worldwide economic recession, financial management becomes more necessary than ever before. Have you ever thought of how to keep more cash when we are losing money every day? 2. With the gyrations in the financial markets, what can investors do to seek refuge from the financial storm? Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Basic reading skills: 1) Skimming 略读: 2) Skipping 跳读: skimming_and_scanning.doc 3) Guessing the new words 猜测生词: Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Questions: 1. What is word formation? 2. What are the word formations we often use? Unit 5: Affixation; Compounding; Unit 6: Conversion; Blending; Shortening; Unit 7: Onomatopoeia; Back formation; Formation of nonce words; Loan word; Coinage Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 1. Affixation:前缀法 Prefixation: 加前缀 Suffixation: 加后缀 2. Compounding: 合成法 Compound Nouns: 复合名词 Compound Adjectives: 复合形容词 Compound Verbs: 复合动词 Compound Adverbs: 复合副词 Compound Pronouns: 复合代词 Business English: A Reading Course UNIT 5 READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 3. Conversion: 转化法/ Zero derivation零位派生 e.g. doctor 医生n. → to doctor伪造v. 4. Blending: 混合法/拼缀法 1)前词首部+后词尾部: telecast=television + broadcast 电视广播 2)前词全部+后词尾部: workaholic=work + alcoholic 工作狂 3)前词首部+后词全部: heliport=helicopter + port首都机场 4)前词首部+后词首部: interpol=international + police国际警察 5. Shortening: 缩略法 1) clipped words 缩


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