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It will do 言必行   言必行 The word must the line 在生意场上做事,台湾商人信奉的是说一句算一句,他们答应了人家的事,一般不会反悔。没有信用,在台湾商界,是严重的。大家都会对他不屑一顾,甚至与他断绝生意来往。因此,在做生意中,台湾都很重视个人信誉,产品重质量,对于售后服务也比较重视。 Working in the business field, Taiwan businessmen believe is to say a sentence, they promised to the people thing, generally do not go back. Without credit, business in Taiwan is serious. Everyone will be dismissed him, even cut off business dealings with him. Therefore, in the business, Taiwan attached great importance to personal reputation, product quality, after-sales service is also more attention to. 台湾商人重信用,对于口头约束的事情也守信用。 The merchant of Taiwan the heavy credit, defends the credit constraint also for verbal things ? ? The Taiwanese Gifts Taboo 台湾人送礼的忌讳 (1) Disable towels gifts according to Taiwan customs, business, send the handkerchief 禁用手巾赠人       (2) A gift of a knife can let person feel a sense of threaten. 禁用刀剪赠人 (3) Disable sweet send people folk festivals, often with sweet fruit for the worship God。 禁用甜果送人 (4) Taboo gift of fan 忌讳以扇子赠人 (5) Taboo 4 number 忌讳“4”数 Other Taboos 其他忌讳 台湾人忌讳别人打听他们的工资、年龄以及家庭住址。因为他们不愿意别人过问他们的私事。 台湾人最讨厌有人冲他眨眼。认为这是一种极不礼貌的行为。 Taiwanese taboo somebody ask about their salary, age and family address, because they do not want somebody to interfere their affairs. Some of the most hated people rushed him wink. They think this is a very rude behavior. (6) The taboo to the umbrella as a gift 忌讳以雨伞当作礼物送人 (7) Taboo as gifts to send people threw rice dumplings 忌讳把粽子当做礼品送人 Conclusion 总结 Win the trust and goodwill 赢得信任与好感 Does not involve the use of sensitive issues 不涉及敏感问题 Pay attention to the agent 注重代理商 Better Writing Is Patient 要有耐心 Pay attention to the customs and holidays 注意风俗习惯及节假日 Thank you! Negotiation Style Comparative Analyses 谈判风格对比浅析 Comparison of Object 比较对象 The people of Hong Kong negotiations style 香港人的谈判风格 The Taiwanese negotiations style 台湾人的谈判风格 Hong Kong 香港是世界上为数不多的购物者天堂,经济发展很好,人


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