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Plc声控开关的设计 摘 要 平时我们晚上走在楼梯道里也会发现等会突然亮,走过后灯会自动灭。这是因为如果让楼梯道的照明灯一直亮着,则难免会浪费电力资源,特别在当今提倡节约型社会里就很不合理了。因此设计一种既不浪费电力有很方便实用的照明灯系统是很有实用价值意义的一件事。在这里通过对多种声光控路灯控制器的组成、性能,适用范围及工作原理的介绍,了解到声光控制开关的工作原理及优越性. 该开关白天不通电,晚上一有声响便自动导通,且声音消除后仍能导通一段时间.保持导通的时间可在1到10min(分)内持续导通。该开关适用于人们活动时能发出声响的场合,保证人们在光亮条件下活动,人走或休息后灯即熄灭。 在本设计中介绍了声光控制灯控制器白天光照好,不管过路者发出多大声音,都不会使灯泡发亮。夜晚只要检测到有碎发声音,就会自动亮,为行人照明,过数十秒后,自动熄灭,节能节点。节电效果十分明显,同时也大大减少了维修量 节约了资金,实用效果良好。 关键字:可编程控制器;声光控制;开关;节能 Abstract We usually take the stairs at night will find such a sudden hang on, walk off automatically after the Lantern Festival. This is because if the lighting to the stairs Road has been lit, there is inevitably a waste of power resources, particularly in the promotion of conservation-minded society in todays very unreasonable. Therefore, neither the design of a waste of electricity has a convenient and practical lighting system is very practical sense of one thing. Here a variety of sound and light control by the controller lights composition, performance, application and working principle of the introduction, sound and light control switches understand the working principles and advantages. The switch is not energized during the day and night, whenever the sound is automatically Turn, and turn the sound even after elimination of a period of time. to maintain on-time can be from 1 to 10min (points) in continuous conduction. The switch is suitable for people within audible occasions when, under the conditions ensure that people in light activities, people walk or rest after the light goes out. Introduced in the design of sound and light control light control during the day light is good, no matter how sound passer issued, do not make the bulb light up. Night as long as the detected sound burst, it will automatically light, for lighting, over tens of seconds, the auto-off, energy nodes. Saving effect is very obvious, but also greatly reduce the amount of maintenance save money, practical good effect. ???????? Keywords: P


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