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2007 攀岩比賽裁判職權表.doc International Federation of Sport Climbing Job description IFSC 2007 Job description Jury President(裁判長的工作執掌) 1. Before the competition(比賽前) Has overall authority in the competition area. 在比賽會場內有最高指揮權。 Checks the timetable (see point 5.1.5) 檢查賽程表。 Plans and presides over all meetings of IFSC officials + the technical meeting (makes sure he/she is fully informed about all the details of the competition before the technical meeting). 規畫和主持所有競賽官方會議和技術會議(確認他⁄ 她在技術會議之前,被充分告知所有 細節)。 Is responsible for briefing all officiating National Judges on the application of the IFSC Rules. 負責對現場執法的國家裁判解說IFSC比賽規則。 Inspects each route/boulder with regard to safety aspects prior to start. 比賽前確認每一條比賽路線以確認符合安全需求。 Lead: agrees with the Chief Routesetter about the last acceptable hold to clip a particular quickdraw, if necessary, and makes sure the hold and the quickdraw are marked with (preferably) a blue cross (and briefs the IFSC Judge). 先鋒賽:認可主定線員在必要時提出可掛某一特定快扣的最後手點,並確任該手點和快扣 作上藍色十字記號(並告知IFSC裁判)。 Lead: decides about the observation time (normally 6 minutes) in consultation with the Chief Routesetter (and briefs the IFSC Judge). 先鋒賽:在和主定線員討論後決定路線觀察時間(通常為六分鐘)(告知IFSC裁判)。 Makes sure qualified medical personnel is in attendance. 確認合格醫護人員在現場。 Determines the position of the cameras (in consulation with the Chief Routesetter) and instructs the camera crew. 決定攝影機攝影位置(和主定線員商量)並指示攝影組。 Makes sure that food and beverages are provided for the judging team. 確認裁判團飲食的供應。 Checks the isolation zone and the call zone and makes sure everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations. 檢查隔離區和預備區,確認一切符合規定。 Chec


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