美资企业的內训资料(PPT 28页).ppt

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美资企业的內训资料(PPT 28页)

* 6TOOL GUIDE 21st. Feb. 2004 India Pvt Ltd 1. 6TOOL ? 100 PPM QUALITY PROCESS OSD* Sequential Inspection Main Process Control Time Check Quality Audit Review Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6 Perfect Check System Cultivating Team Skill Implement 6TOOL *OSD : Over, Shortage Defect 2. 6TOOL-1 / OSD Activity A system to improve quality of components found defective by monitoring , analyzing acting on actual real time data material supplied by suppliers. OSD Image Establish full inspection system Establish quality information system - Real information system . Real data . Real material - Computerized OSD management Establish vendor appraisal system - Quality contract (agreement of target quality) - IP System Innovation Flow *IP : Incentive Penalty FACTORY SUPPLIERS Improvement Activities Defect Found Real Quick Information Improved Material Innovation Activities Attach tag after finding a defect on the line Place collection box for defectives in the line Collect rejection analysis of same from IQC members Display rejection due to supplier Request for urgent delivery in exchange of total rejection. Supplier must receive real information and have improvement meeting (once/week) = Q-manager attend Receive improved material follow-up 2. 6TOOL-1 / OSD Activity (RULE) PRODUCTION PURCHASE IQC MATERIAL SUPPLIER Activities - Find defective parts -Attach tag . Supplier defect : Red . Transportation : Blue . Work defect : Yellow - Store defective parts - Issue OSD NCR (once/day) - Provide additional parts in lieu of defected q’ty . Emergency delivery - Hold improvement M/T with supplier . Sunrise M/T - Collect the defective parts (once/day) - Analyze and evaluate the cause of rejection. . Classify the reason their types like internal work error or transportation or vendor - Record and manage current defect status and feed back - Display the defective parts - Organize the receipt/ issuing of alternated p


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