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Computer English Chapter 7 Programming Languages 复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧之二 四、句子结构调整法 有时,原文句中一个中心词带有若干修饰成分,但它们既不是纯“并列”头系,也不是规则的“连环”关系,而是“并列”中有“连环”(例1),或“连环”中含不规则“修饰环”(例2);或者句中各有一个分别被“连环式”定语和“并列式”定语所修饰的中心词(例3);或者中心词的定语从句本身又含有其他修饰成分(例4)。由于这类句子所含的修饰关系比较复杂,很难纳入上述几种译法予以表达,此时就应该根据上下文的逻辑关系,调整句子结构。常用的方法是:“化整为零”,将带有多重定语(从句)的长句拆译成若干汉语短句,然后按汉语表达习惯组织译文句子。例如: 例1. An operating system is a master control program, permanently stored in memory, that interprets user commands requesting various kind of service, such as display, print, or copy a data file, list all files in a directory, or execute a particular program. 译文:操作系统是主控程序,永久地驻留在内存中,它理解用户的各种指令:如显示、打印文件,将目录中所有文件列表,或者执行一个特殊的程序。 (比较:操作系统是永久地驻留在内存中的;理解用户的各种指令:如显示、打印文件,将目录中所有文件列表,或者执行一个特殊的程序主控程序。) 复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧之二 例2. The users of such a system control the process by means of a program, which is a set of instruction that specify the operation, operands, and the sequence by which processing has to occur. 译文:该系统用户通过程序控制处理过程,所谓程序是一套指定操作、操作数和处理序列的指令集。(比较:该系统用户通过一套指定操作、操作数和处理序列的指令集即程序控制处理过程。) 例3. Indeed, todays products -- most of all, the latest in speech recognition – are a roll-out of technologies that have been percolating for years and that are based on an understanding of speech that has taken several decades to accumulate. 译文:的确,今日的产品,尤其是语音识别方面必威体育精装版的产品,是过去多年技术渗透的延伸,也是基于几十年来对语音理解的结果。 (比较:的确,今日的产品,尤其是语音识别方面必威体育精装版的产品,是过去多年的渗透和基于几十年来对语音理解的积累的技术延伸。) 例4. The computer family, in computer science, is a term commonly used to indicate a group of computers that are built around the same microprocessor or around a series of related microprocessors, and that share significant design feature. 译文:在计算机科学中,计算机系列是常用的一个术语,通常指一组用相同的或者一系列相关的微处理器制造的计算机。 *计算机专业英语 Chapter 7 Programming Languages * Key points: useful terms and definitions of programming languagesDifficult points: describing the differences between compilers and interpreters Requirements: 1. The origins of the programming languages 2. The concepts of computer compilers 3. Main proper