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Writing Argument To focus and refine the topic 議題(issue)與主題(topic)的不同 找出議題 找出與議題相關的問題,區分問題的面向 思考並寫下個人的論點(thesis) Issue: any topic of concern and controversy The question at issue Focus on one clear and precise question at issue 一個議題可能包含幾個不同面向的問題,混淆問題的面向可能使文章缺乏組織。 A single issue may contain any number of separate and distinct questions as issue. Your task as a writer is to isolate a particular question at issue and stay focused on it. The Thesis The thesis states the writer’s position, her response to the question at issue, the conclusion of her argument, the primary claim she is making. Your thesis takes central stage in both the final paper your write and the thinking you do as you conduct your research and prepare drafts. It controls the evidence you gather and clarifies the stand you want to take. Sometimes when we begin exploring a topic for a paper, we may not know our position. We may need to learn more about the question at issue through research before arriving at a conclusion. We don’t necessarily have to arrive at a completely yes or no response to the question at issue. Keep in mind that argument don’t always have to be adversarial. In essays by professional writers, the thesis is sometimes indirectly stated; it may be implicit rather than explicit. In general, the more experienced the writer, the more she is able to write a focused essay without an explicit thesis. In sum Select an issue that is debatable, an issue on which you can argue more than one position. Narrow that issue to a focused question at issue. Write a “working” thesis that makes an assertion about this question at issue; your thesis states your opinion on the question at issue. Two kinds of thesis statements Open thesis and complete thesis A compromise (three examples of p.91) Which thesis statement is preferable? The complexity of the topic, the length of the paper, the needs of your audience, and the purpose of your project A thesis is not necessarily restricted to one sentence
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