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China Economic Panorama
5th Issue 2014
WindWind InfoInfo
Brief Introduction
China Economic Panorama, based on Wind Info’s EDB and
other public resources, is a quantitative dynamic diagram that
integrates multidimensional perspectives on macro-economy
andd reflflectts ChiChina’’s economiic ttrendd andd fifinanciiall markkett.
The PDF version of China Economic Panorama can help you
absorb the latest mass data, grasp the trend of China’s
economiceconomic developmentdevelopment andand seizeseize thethe bestbest opportunityopportunity toto winwin.
Made through EXCEL with delicate design, China Economic
Panorama is a right hand for analysts, researchers and
economistseconomists toto writewrite researchresearch reports.reports.
ChinaChina’ss GDP/GDP/ PricePrice Index/Index/ ClimateClimate SurveySurvey
China’s Interest Rate/ Monetary Policy Tools/ Money
Supply/Supply/ LoanLoan DepositDeposit
China’s Exchange Rate/ Forex Management/
External Trade
China’s PMI/ Industry
China’s CCI/ Retail Sales
China’s FAI/ Real Estate/ Government Revenue and
China’s Securities Market (Stocks, Bonds, Futures
and Funds)
ReturnReturn toto CatalogueCatalogue
China’sChina’sChina’sChina’s GDP/GDP/GDP/GDP/ PricePricePricePrice Index/Index/Index/Index/ ClimateClimateClimateClimate SurveySurveySurveySurvey
China’s Interest Rate/ Monetary Policy Tools/ Money
Supply/Supply/ LoanLoan DepositDeposit
China’s Exchange Rate/ Forex Management/
ExternalExternal TradeTrade
China’s PMI/ Industry
ChinaChina’ss CCI/CCI/ RetailRetail SalesSales
China’s FAI/ Real Estate/ Government Revenue and
China’s Securities Market (Stocks, Bonds, Futures
and Funds)