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侗族勾林的传承与保护研究 ((李明,铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校艺体系,贵州铜仁,554300) 摘要:通过文献检索、田野调查和专家访谈,对贵州天柱县侗族传统体育勾林进行调查研究,并从历史学角度探究侗族勾林文化的起源与发展,对影响侗族勾林文化的传承与繁荣做生态学分析。研究显示:北侗族勾林的传承方式立足于物质文化层面、精神文化层面、行为文化层面以及制度文化层面的符号化传承,其传承正面临传承人续接乏力、文化传承氛围逐渐消失及文化功能转换的实际困境。建议:自然存真,对侗族“勾林”进行活态保护;文化自觉,增强侗族“勾林”保护与传承的内生动力;“教体结合”,将“非遗”项目勾林纳入学校体育教学;加强宣传,力求成为全民健身运动内容。 关键词:民族传统体育;侗族;勾林;传承;保护 A Study of Inheritance and Protection on GouLin of Dong Nationality LI Ming (?Department of art and physical education, Tongren Preschool Education College,Gui Zhou Tong Ren,554300) Abstract: Research on GouLin--a traditional sport event of Dong nationality in Tianzhu county, Guizhou province based on document retrieval, field investigation and expert interview, and explores the origin and development of GouLin of Dong nationality from the historical perspective, and does ecological analysis on the factors that influence inheritance and prosperity of GouLin of Dong nationality. The study shows that the ways of inheriting Goulin in the north Tong minority are based on the inheritance of symbol of material perspective, spiritual perspective, behavior perspective and system perspective. The inheritance is exposed to the lack of inheritor, the gradual vanish of cultural inheritance and the difficulties of the transformation of cultural function. The suggestions are as followed: Staying nature and pure for protecting Goulin of Tong minority; Being conscientious culturally to strengthen the protection of Goulin in Tong minority; Making combination between education and sports, putting the intangible cultural heritage projects into physical education; Making more advertisements so that it can become part of nationwide fitness campaign. Key words: Traditional National Sport; Dong Nationality; GouLin; Inheritance; Protection 前言 十八大报告指出扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设关键在于重塑民族文化血脉,积极构建人民精神家园。侗族勾林文化作为民族传统文化的子部分,源于贵州省天柱县的邦洞、蓝田地区,是建立在贵州北部侗族人民长期的生产与生活实践中的,也是我国宝贵的民族文化遗产。然而,受全球化大潮冲击,天柱地域文化生态系统遭到一定程度的破坏,侗族特色元素逐渐稀释,传统文化正面临着存续危机,其中就包括以勾林文化为代表的非物质文化遗产,在传承与保护的道路上遭受“消亡”威胁,因此加


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