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Guideline of this Cause’s learning and teaching 1. syllabus’ main aims 2. time allotments of this cause 3. teacher’s demands 4.students’ self-learning Pre-reading activities: ① How do you usually learn a foreign language? Class Learning Online Learning Self learning…. ② Do you know what is online learning Have you ever had an online learning experience? Books learning Classroom learning Online learning Learn from Classmates and friends Example of Successful self-learning 周润发念了三年中学就到社会谋生, 语文基础比较差,拍戏念对白比别人辛苦十倍。 后来,他到美国拍片,在美国生活的时候, 决心学好英语,由最基本的英语发音学起。 首先他跟太太一字一句学,然后再请老师教导, 又时常收看英语频道节目,以增强英语听说能力。 他一边学一边工作,虽然当时已年过四十, 但他终于克服了困难。 对此,发哥说:“几年前有中学教科书以我的 经历做教材,我非常惊喜,没想到连小学教科书 都用我来做教材,这真是我的荣幸。” 发哥还说:“我希望香港年轻一代都可以不怕辛苦, 为理想努力,去达到目标,只要有心,我相信任何 困难都不用怕,以前我40岁时才去美国学英文,经过 一年努力,总算能够懂能够听,但学无止境,到今天 我一样会继续进修英语,不敢偷懒。” Listen to the text: Reap my benefits: Reap 习惯用语: ①reap as [what] one has sown (=As a man sows so he shall reap)种瓜得瓜; 种豆得豆 自食其果 ② reap where one has not sown不劳而获 underline the topic sentence in each paragraph. Para.1: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. Para. 2: My experience with learning a foreign language in junior school was very happy. Para. 3: My experience in senior school was frustrating and unhappy. Para. 4: The situation changed in college, but it was far from perfect. Para. 5: I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course. Para. 6: Online learning is not easier than regular classroom study. Para. 7: I practiced all the time. Para. 8: Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. HOWEVER 副词:无论如何,然而,不过 连词:不论怎样 I tried hard in listening to her, however(连词), she made me confused at last. However(副词), the situation was far from perfect. (Para.4) : While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, but my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (para.3


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