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机械设计制造及其自动化毕业论文_锤片式玉米秸秆粉碎还田机机械结构的设计 14 3.5.1 定V带型号和带轮直径 14 3.5.2 计算带长 14 3.5.3 求中心距和包角 14 3.5.4 求带根数 15 3.5.5 求轴上载荷 15 3.5.6 带轮 15 3.6 主动轮轴的设计计算 16 3.6.1 初步确定最小直径 16 3.6.2 拟定轴的装配方案 16 3.6.3 轴上零件的周向定位 17 3.6.4 确定轴上圆角、倒角尺寸 17 3.6.5 轴的强度校核 17 3.7 从动轮轴的设计 20 3.7.1 计算最小直径 20 3.7.2 拟定轴的装配方案: 21 3.7.3 轴上零件的周向定位 21 3.7.4 确定轴上圆角、倒角尺寸 21 3.7.5 轴的强度校核 21 3.8 刀轴的设计 25 3.8.1 初步确定轴的最小直径 25 3.8.2 刀轴的校核 26 第四章 总结与心得体会 30 参考文献 31 致 谢 33 锤片式玉米秸秆还田机机械结构设计摘 要 保护性耕作技术是全球农业技术发展的必然趋势,秸秆还田技术是机械化保护性耕作中的一项关键技术。 在农忙期间,使用机械化的秸秆还田技术可以使耕作的更为高效化,同时有力推动机械化还田技术可以避免由于秸秆焚烧而带来的一系列环境污染。本文所研制的秸秆还田机功率消耗小,粉碎率高,适合小规模的秸秆粉碎还田。 在对秸秆粉碎还田基本理论分析的基础上,得出了玉米秸秆还田机总体结构设计方案。采用卧式结构?主要由悬挂装置、变速箱、秸秆粉碎机构、等组成。拖拉机输出动力经万向节传递给变速箱,变速箱一轴经齿轮、带轮两级增速后,带动粉碎刀辊工作,粉碎刀辊带动刀轴进行秸秆粉碎达到秸秆粉碎还田的目的。 关键词:保护性耕作;灭茬;秸秆还田机;碎茬刀 The design of Counters-field set device ABSTRACT Conservation tillage technology is the global development trend of agricultural technologies, The smashed straw technology is one essential technology of the mechanized protection cultivation, the use of strawmechanization of farming can be more efficient while strong impetus to the mechanization to fields to avoid burning the straw brought about a series of environmental pollution, this paper developed the power consumption of a small straw machine, crushing rate, suitable for smashed crushed straw On the basic of studying the elementary theory of smashing straw?the integral structure design plan of multi-function machine was introduced. The machine is mainly composed of system gearbox mission system stalk-soil returning roller, rotary tiller roller, and depth limit roller. Power is transmitted from the tractor shaft to the power output gearbox. One shaft of the gearbox is acceleratedby both bevel gears and strap transmission. And then it drives the stalk?smashing knives revolving quickly. Another is moved by the bevel gears and strap wheel to drive the rotary tiller working. Crushing knife roller drive the knife shaft to straw crushing straw crushing returning Key



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