毕业论文 大学生心理健康问题的现状分析.doc

毕业论文 大学生心理健康问题的现状分析.doc

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毕业论文 大学生心理健康问题的现状分析

内容摘要:21世纪是知识经济的时代,当代各国的竞争,无论是科学技术的竞争还是综合国力的竞争,归跟到底都是人才的竞争。提到人才,高校无疑是培养人才的重要场所,所以当代大学生的心理健康问题,不仅关系到大学生的个人成长,还关系到整个社会和民族未来的发展。因此,重视大学生的心理发展历程,了解大学生的心理状态,发现大学生的心理疾病从而正确引导大学生排除心理障碍、消除心理阴影、预防心理疾病是目前高校教育的首要任务。 关 键 词:大学生 心理健康 对策 Abstract:At present, college students have some inaccurate comprehensions on psychological health. It may be said without fear of exaggeration that college students in growing numbers have psychological matters and if we let this situation go as it is,students will encounter more throwbacks in their lives. This thesis will discuss the symptoms and the reasons of college students psychological matters, the impact on the ideological and political education of college students by the psychological matters, and the measures of solving the psychological matters. The psychological matters of students often reflect on the abnormal symptoms about emotion, thought,behavior and personality. The carelessness of protecting psychological health and the absence on controlling emotion are the important reasons of students psychological matters. Furthermore, self-attention, mind burden and loneliness lead to their psychological obstacle. In the ideological and political education of college students, the matters of emotion and the obstacle of personality will impact on indoctrination and the mechanism of prompting. So we have to solve the psychological matters in order to improve on the ideological and political education. The education of frustration, psychological consultation and self-adjust are some effective methods to alleviate psychological stress. Self-adjust, such as self-arousing, distracting attention and augment of mental freedom, is the most important measure. Key words:College student, psychological health , measure 改革开放以来,我国高校教育的发展取得了重大的进步,尤其是近年来,高校的迅速发展为国家和民族的发展提供了重要的人才支持。然而,随着高校的不断扩招而带来的就业压力以及激烈的社会竞争而导致的人际关系压力都给大学生的心理带来了巨大的负担,再加上重知识轻教育的传统高校教育模式,都已经使得大学生的心理健康问题日益凸显出来,大学生的心理状态着实令人担忧。当代大学生绝大部分都是独生子女,和过去的大学生比较起来,当代大学生的心理特点已经发生了显著的变化,时代的变化和所处环境的变化


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