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Interview Process Guidelines 面试程序指南 Sense Of Urgency 紧迫感 Treat candidates as you would a customer. 尽量把应聘者看作客户 The war for talent means every interview is critical. 人才之战意味着每次面试都至关重要 Adopt a marketing strategy for hiring candidates-sell, sell, sell. 采取市场战略来招聘应聘者——推销,推销,再推销 Speed of execution is critical to our success. If we do not respond quickly, our competitors will hire them. 执行速度对我们的成功至关重要 如果我们没有快速回应,那么我们的竞争对手将聘用他们 Requisitions need to reflect realistic job requirements-not too vague, not too detailed. 录用要求须反应实际的工作需要——不要太含糊,也不要太详细。 Pre-Interview Planning 面试前计划 Hiring Manager identifies Hiring Team who will interview/evaluate candidate 招聘经理从招聘团队中指定由谁来面试/ 评估应聘者 Hiring Manager reviews this packet with Hiring Team 招聘经理与招聘团队检查计划 Structure the Interview/Schedule. Determine: 安排面试/ 日程 决定: who will interview 谁来面试 at what time 面试时间 where the interview will take place 面试地点 what questions will be asked by whom 谁提问什么问题 what skills behaviors will be evaluated 应评估哪些技巧行为 Hiring Team will review candidate packet information for familiarity 招聘团队应仔细检查以熟悉应聘者资料 Set up lunch or dinner plans with group. 与团队设定午餐或晚餐计划 Recruiter/Travel Agency 招聘者/ 旅行社 Make Verify Travel Arrangements. 制定 核实旅行安排 Verify/deliver Candidate Packet to hotel 向酒店核实/发送应聘者信息 If candidate is interested in city tour/overview of community will make arrangements with Real Estate Agent 如果应聘者有意参观市容/ 纵览社区,应与房地产代理商安排 Preparing for the Interview 准备面试 Review resume. Decide which jobs/experiences are most relevant to the target job. 检查简历。确定与目标职位最相关的工作/ 经历 Prepare to conduct the Key Background Review. 准备进行主要背景调查 Note any jobs/experiences about which you are unclear or would like more information. 对不太清楚、或想了解更多的工作/经历进行记录 Note any gaps in employment. 记录招聘缺口 Prepare the Planned Behavioral/Structure Questions. 准备计划的行为/ 组织问题 Interview: 面试 Greet the candidate, giving your name and position. 向应聘者问好,介绍你的姓名及职位 Explain the interview’s purpose: 说明面试目的: Talk about division interviewing for. 说明招聘部门 Talk about what you will


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