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初二英语上册 Unit 5导学案 班级_____姓名_____ 13 课题 What’s the matter? 学科 英语 课型 新授 主备人 审核人 课时 1 使用时间 Sep.25 知识目标:Section A 1a--- 2c 1.New words:(ABC)Illnesses(疾病): cold, stomachache, toothache, fever, headache, sore throat 3).Other words:matter, sore, rest, honey, dentist, should, 2.New phases:(ABC) 3.New sentences:What’s the matter? (AB) I have a cold/stomachache/toothache/fever/headache/sore throat / back . 4.语法:情态动词should的用法 (ABC) 1)should can 一样没有人称和数的变化,常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。 2) 结构:should + 动词原形 否定:should not (shouldn’t) + 动词原形 在疑问句中, should 放在主语前。 学习过程: 一、【交流预习】 1.Read the new words: 2. Finish Section A 1a.(1a课前完成。师订正答案) 二、【导学导研】 1. ① Listen and finish 1b. ② Pairwork:(两人对话) A:What’s the matter? B:I have a cold/stomachache/toothache/fever/headache/ sore throat / back 2. ①Match:(搭配题) ( )1. 躺下休息 A. drink lots of water ( )2. 加蜂蜜的热茶 B. see a dentist ( )3. 看牙医 C. hot tea with honey ( )4. 喝很多热水 D. lie down and rest ② Listen and finish 2a. ③ Listen again and finish 2b。 3. Pairwork:(两人对话)2c A:What’s the matter? B:I have a toothache. A:Maybe you should see a dentist. B:That’s a good idea. 三、【拓展提高】 1. What’s the matter? 【注意】What’s the matter? 是常用的询问对方“出了什么事,怎么了?”的交际用语,尤其用于医生向病人询问病情。于此句意义相同的句型还有: What’s the matter with you? What’s wrong with you? What’s the trouble with you? 以上句型中的matter为名词,前面需加the,wrong是形容词,前面不加任何修饰词;trouble为名词,前面可加冠词the,也可加形容词性物主代词。 【拓展】matter 还可以用作动词,意为“要紧,有关系”。E.g. It doesn’t matter. 没关系 【一试身手】 1)询问“你怎么啦”“你有什么麻烦,出什么事了”的句型有: a. What’s _______ _________ you? b. What’s _______ _________ _________ you? c. What’s your trouble? 2)---_______________? ---Nothing serious, but a little bit tired. A. Is that all B. Is there anything else? C. What’s this D. What’s the matter with you? 2、I have a stomachache. I have a sore throat. (1) ache 作名词,意为“疼痛”, 它可以放在表示身体部位的某些词后构成合成词 e.g. headache earache toothache neckache backache (2)sore 是形容词,意为“疼痛的”,它放在身体部位的词前,表示


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