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题目:学生基本信息管理系统 中文摘要: 随着计算机应用日益普及和深化,信息化的时代,计算机软件的数量以惊人的速度急剧膨胀,而且现代软件的规模往往十分庞大,对于大量信息的存储、查找、编辑等一系列的操作有了更严峻的挑战,为此我们开发出更完善的系统来解决这些问题。 此学生基本信息管理系统运用Visual Basic 6.0实现随机文件的打开与关闭以及记录增加和删减等操作,此软件适合于中小型企业系统的开发,具有操作简单,容易理解,开发方式灵活,可移植性比较强,易于维护,安全性高等优点,轻松实现对学生信息的管理,以更好完善教学质量。 二、关键词: Visual Basic 6.0 ;查询;修改;删除。 英文摘要: With the increasing popularity of computer applications and deepening of the information age, the number of computer software at an alarming rate of rapid expansion, and the size of modern software is often very large, for a lot of information storage, search, edit, and a series of operations with more severe challenges, we developed a better system to solve these problems. The basic student information management system using Visual Basic 6.0 to achieve a random open and close the file and record operations such as add and delete, this software system for small and medium enterprise development, with a simple, easy to understand, develop flexible, portable relatively strong, easy to maintain, safe, etc., easy management of student information to better improve the quality of teaching. 四、具体步骤: 1.1、随机文件的读写操作 、建立应用程序用户界面并设置对象属性。首先在窗户上添加两个框架Framel1、Framel2和三个命令按钮Command1~Command3,然后选定Framel1,在其中增加一个文本框数组Text1(0)~Text1(4)和五个标签;选定Framel2,在其中增加一个列表框List1。并设置其属性。 、编写代码 A、首先在窗体的通用段建立用户自定义类型并申明模块级变量: Private Type rec xh As String * 6 xm As String * 6 yw As Integer sx As Integer wy As Integer End Type Dim cj As rec Dim fnum As Integer B、打开文件并初始化: Private Sub Form1_Load() fnum = FreeFile Open e:\test\xscj.txt For Random As fnum Len = Len(cj) Text1(0) = : Text1(1) = : Text1(2) = Text1(3) = : Text1(4) = End Sub C、编写“写入”按钮的Click事件代码: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim recnum As Integer, p As String lastrec = LOF(fnum) / Len(cj) recnum = lastrec + 1 p = With cj .xh = Text1(0) .xm = Text1(1) .yw = Val(Text1(2)) .sx = Val(Text1(3)) .wy = Val(Text1(4)) p = p Format(.xh, @@@@@@) Format(.xm, @@@@) Format(.yw, @@@@) p =


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