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E A:你好 Hello! B:你好 Hello! A:你怎么样? How are you? B:很好,谢谢,你怎么样呢? I’m fine, thank you, and you? A:我也很好,你叫什么名字? I’m fine, too. May I have your name? B:我是B,你呢? My name is B, and you? A:我叫A,MR.B结婚了吗? I’m A, are you married? B:我结婚了,并且我有个大家庭。 Yes, I am. And I have a big family. A:你家有多少人呢? How many people are there in your family? B:我们家有5个人,我妻子和我有一个小男孩,两个十几岁的女孩。 There are five people in my family, my wife and I have a little boy and two teenage girls. A:你妻子和你孩子们在哪里呢? Where are your wife and your children? B:我和妻子及小男孩现在住在北京一家宾馆的五楼,我两个女儿在美 国读书。今天我妻子比我早到半小时。哦,她在那儿。嘿,C,来 一下,这是A;(对B说)这是我妻子C。 My wife and the little boy live with me in a hotel on the fifth floor in Beijing, and my daughters are studying in American. Today my wife arrived here 30 minutes earlier than me. Ah, she is over there. Hey, C, come here. This is A; this is my wife C. A:B夫人,很高兴见到你,你今天很漂亮。 Mrs. B, pleased to see you, you are very beautiful today. C:谢谢,我也很高兴见到你。 Thank you, pleased to see you, too. A:你们想要吃点东西吗? Would you like something to eat? B:好的,我想来点牛肉,我妻子想来点薯条,(对C)对吧?亲爱的。 Ok, I’d like some beef, and my wife wants some chips, do you? My daring! C:我不要薯条,我想吃点面包,并且我想有点东西喝。 I don’t want the chips. I’d like some bread and I’d like something to drink. A:好的,你们是想要一点啤酒呢还是一点红酒? Ok. Would you like some beer or some wine? B:咱俩喝啤酒吧,给我妻子一些橙汁吧,因为她不会喝啤酒。 We drink the beer, and give my wife some orange juice because she won’t drink any beer. C:好的。 All right. A:(对不存在的D)服务员,2瓶啤酒,2份牛肉,1份面包和1杯橘子汁。 Waiter, give us two bottles of beer, two pieces of beef, a piece of bread and a cup of orange juice. A:你们五一假期过得怎么样? How did your vacation go during the May Day? B:不是很爽,我以后不会再去E沙滩了。 Not very well, I will never go to E beach. A:你遇到了什么问题? What problems did you encounter? B:人太多了。 Three are too many people. A:呵呵,别想它了。我们下周去长岛野炊如何? He he, forget it! Would you like to go to picnic with me on long island? B:什么时候? When? A:周四如何? How about Thursday? B:不行,我老板要我周四加班。 No, I can’t. My boss made me work overtime on Thursday. A:那周五呢?


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