新视野读写教程第一册 UNIT3 SECTION A大学英语 教学课件教案.ppt

新视野读写教程第一册 UNIT3 SECTION A大学英语 教学课件教案.ppt

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新视野读写教程第一册 UNIT3 SECTION A大学英语 教学课件教案

Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people... (L26) how to do; what to buy; where to go; when to begin 现在我长大成人,开始相信这正是判断一个人 的恰如其分的标准, …… which to judge: 疑问词 +不定式 e.g. 我真不知道该说什么。 I really don’t know what to say. More: 3. Typical patterns for concession Adjectival phrase, sb. still does… 虽说是……, 某人还是…… 原句: Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. (L. 29) 句型提炼 虽说有很多活动不能参加,但是父亲还是试着以某种方式去参加。 译文 上一页 下一页 Back 应用: a.虽说他不愿意接受这个任务,但他还是点头同意了。 上一页 下一页 Unwilling to accept the job, he still nodded his agreement. Back 应用: b. 尽管他很清楚攀岩的危险,但他仍乐此不疲。 上一页 下一页 Well aware of the danger of rock-climbing, he still loved and indulged in it as before. Back 16.仅坐在那儿饱饱眼福,却能享受一段快 乐时光 to have a good time just sitting and watching (L.32) 我好不容易才劝说他接受了那份工作。 活学活用 Back 上一页 下一页 I had a difficult time persuading him to accept the job. I had a hard time getting the driving license. 4. have a good time: (have a hard time, difficult time doing sth.) I had a difficult time doing... occasion 场合, 时机(1) 扩展: occasional adj. 偶然的, 特殊场合的, 临时的; occasionally adv.  搭配: on occasion (from time to time; now and then) 偶尔间断地;不时地 take / seize occasion to do 抓住...的好时机, 乘机... on… occasion 在...场合 occasion 场合, 时机(2) 我们已不再保持几年前那种友谊了,但偶尔也见见面。 We on longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago, though we still see each other on occasion. 我想利用这次机会对你们的支持表示衷心的感谢。 I would like to take this occasion to express my heartfelt thanks for your support. 他不习惯当众讲话,更不用说在这么重大的场合了。 He is not accustomed to delivering a speech in public, to say nothing of on such a great occasion. 18. 要求假装被打倒 ? to be urged to take a dive (L.39) 尽管一再催促它回去,我的爱犬执意要与我同行。 活学活用 III. Expressions Patterns Although repeatedly urged to go home, my pet dog insisted on going together with me. Back 上一页 下一页 19.执意要我参观他的办公室 ? to see to it that I visited his office (L.42) 请务必做到在流水下洗手30秒以除去“非典”病毒。 活学活用 III. Expressions Pat


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