新概念英语第三册 Lesson-10.pptx

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新概念英语第三册 Lesson-10

Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic;Titanic;Jack and Rose;shipwrecks;New words Expressions;4.flood [fl?d] n. 洪水、水灾 经常用作floods v. 充满水 be filled or covered with water eg. Our street floods whenever it rains. 泛滥、溢出 to over flow eg. The river flooded the valley. 充满、满是to cover completely eg. The room was flooded with light. a flood of tears 泪如泉涌 a flood of people 人潮如涌 a flood of words 口若悬河 ;5.float [fl??t] v. 漂浮 to stay on the surface of a liquid 6.tragic adj. [?tr?d??k]悲剧的;悲惨的 n. tragedy eg. A tragic story perhaps happens only in the movies. 7.liner [‘la?n?(r)] n.班船,班机 ;8.voyage [v???d?] n. 旅行、航行 a journey made by boat or ship v.航海 travel over the sea 9.iceberg [‘a?sb?:ɡ] n.冰山 10.lookout [?l?ka?t] n. 瞭望员、监察所 a person who watches 监视动作 the act of keeping watch eg. keeping a lookout for the enemy 前景、远景 a likely future eg. It is a good lookout for you if you study hard.;11. collision n. 碰撞,冲突 12. narrowly: adv. narrow: adj. 勉强的,险胜的 narrow+n. eg. a narrow victory He was elected by a narrow majority. narrowly + negative v. 险些,差点 He narrowly escaped death. He narrowly escaped the accident. 13. miss v. 避开,错过,想念 missing adj. 丢失的(前置定语) ;14. slight: adj. 细小的;微不足道的;轻微的 eg. I have a slight headache. 我有点轻微的头疼。 a slight possibility of success 很小的成功可能性 a slight girl 苗条的女孩 a slight difference 微小的区别 not … in the slightest = not … at all 一点也不 You didn’t embarrass me in the slightest. ;15. tremble 震颤 The children trembled with fright. 孩子们被吓得发抖。 She trembled at the thought that she might never see him again. 一想到自己也许再也见不到他时她就发抖。 16. faint: adj. 模糊的;暗淡的;微弱的 eg. a faint light 暗淡的光线 a faint sound 微弱的声音 ;17. horror n. 恐怖,恐惧 terror n.恐怖, dread n.恐怖,恐惧 fear n.畏惧,担心 fright n. 惊吓,恐怖 ;18. abandon v. 抛弃 ab


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