新概念英语第二册Lesson 26 The best art critics.ppt

新概念英语第二册Lesson 26 The best art critics.ppt

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新概念英语第二册Lesson 26 The best art critics

★hang v. 悬挂, 吊 (hang — hung — hung )   ① vt.vi(将……)悬挂,吊 A pretty curtain hangs over the window. The coat was hung. v. 绞死, 吊死 (hang — hanged — hanged) The thief was hanged. ② vt.vi 垂下 John was very tired. He sat in a chair and hung (down) his head. ③ vt.vi安装……使能转动/摆动 Have you hung the door? 你把门装上了吗? ★ pattern n. 1. 图案,花样。2. 型,式样。3. 模范,典型。 The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares. 这块布上有红白方格的花纹。 pattern: 指“作为典型仿效的人或事物” a pattern wife 模范妻子 model: 指“由于优秀值得别人学习或仿效者” make him your model.以他为你的榜样。 example:指“值得仿效的人或其行为” He sets a good example. 同义辨析:pattern, model, example ★upside down 上下颠倒地 ① 上下颠倒 When he stands on his head, everything appears upside down to him. ② 乱七八糟,混乱不堪 My little boy always makes the room upside down. These men have made the whole country upside down. Exercise: I am an _____ student. You can make a dress from this paper ______. The curtain _______ well. He _________ not to know the facts. Did you ______ him leave the house? Do you __________ good wine? My little boy always makes the room________________. art pattern hangs pretended notice appreciate upside down. Listening Who is my best critic? How does the girl think about my painting? Is the writer agree with the girl? True or False 1.I am an art student. 2.Many pretend that they understand classical art. 3.Many pictures are ‘about’ something. 4.I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 5.My sister is eight years old. Does the writer think that many people really understand modern art? 2.Why do young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else? 3.What did the writer’s sister say about the picture on the wall? 1.No,he doesn’t.In his opinion,many people pretend that they understand modern art, they always tell you what a picture is ‘about’. 2.According to the writer,children notice more. 3.She said ‘It’s all right,but isn’t it upside


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