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Unit 4Motor Vehicles Reading and Translating 12机电332 534宿舍 Unit 4 The historical development of technical science has led to a specialization of teaching and research.技术科学已经向教学与科研的专业方向发展 Characteristic of this is the current course plans for the study of mechanical and electrical/electronic engineering.它的特征之一是为机械、电子、电气等工程研究而计划的流行课程 The extreme specialization in the education of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineers is reflected in the work methodologies of many project and construction departments:在机械、电气、电子等工程师的教育方面其特别的专能被体现在很多工程或零件制造的工作方法中 Unit 4 the planning and design occur within strictly defined areas of specialization, which consists of a collection of mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and electronic subsystems, bound together and controlled by some computational process. 这种计划和设计产生在被严格定义的专业领域,此专业领域是机械的、液压的、电气的、电子的分支系统被计算过程捆绑在一起而形成的。 Innovations that extend the current technical possibilities are only achievable when:扩展当前技术可能性的创新在以下所列的情况下发生: Unit 4 -New inventions and developments are designed as comprehensive mechatronic systems which are then optimized, as a whole, using the most modern methods applicable.新的发明改进被设计成复杂的机电一体化系统,然后运用最先进的的方法将其优化成一个整体。 Specialized mechatronic components and subsystems are extensively used, and microelectronic components and subsystems (sensors, processors and actuators) are deployed throughout the system.专门的机电一体化元件件和分支系统被广泛使用,在整个系统中分布着微电子器件与传感器、处理器、传动装置。 Unit 4 A Japanese engineer from Yasukawa Electric Company coined the term “mechatronics” in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines.一个来自Yasukawa电气公司的工程师为了把机械和电子工程学科结合在一起而在1969年发明了“机电一体化”这个词。 Unit 4 Until the early 1980s, mechatronics meant a mechanism that is electrified. In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics. Today, the term encompasses a large array of technologies, many of which have become well known in their own right.直到上世纪80年代早期,机电一体化是指被电气化的机器。在上世纪80年


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