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毕业设计说明书(论文) 学生姓名: 班级学号: 院、系、部: 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化(继电保护) 指导教师: 合作指导教师: 2011年0月 南Undergraduate Design(Thesis) SETTING CALCULATION OF 110kV POWER GRIDⅡ RELAY PROTECTION AND DESIGN OF SUBSTATION UPS BY ********** Supervised by ************* ************* Nanjing Institute of Technology June 2011 摘要 继电保护是保证电力系统安全稳定运行的重要组成部分,而整定值是保证保护装置正确动作的关键。本文结合给定110kV电网的接线及参数,根据电网继电保护配置与整定原则,UPS)系统原理及运行进行了分析。制作完成了多媒体课件。灵活精美的多媒体课件使本课题内容得到了直观形象的展示。 关键词 继电保护,整定计算,UPS Abstract Relay protection is to guarantee the safe and stable operation of the power system, and setting value is the key to ensure the protection correct action. In this paper, given the wiring and the parameters of 110kV power grid, according to power system protection relay configuration and setting principles and develop a whole network relay protection and automatic device configuration, on the line protection, transformer protection terminal for setting calculation, by check, in line with sensitivity requirements. UPSs English name is Uninterruptable Power System, the Chinese name is uninterruptible power supply actually means AC uninterruptible power supply, the main function is to provide uninterrupted AC power to the load. The design of the substation for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system theory and operation were analyzed. Produced multimedia courseware. Beautiful and flexible so that the subject of multimedia courseware for a visual image of the contents are displayed. Key words: relay protection, setting calculation, UPS 目录 摘要 I Abstract I 目录 II 1 绪论 1 1.1电力系统继电保护的作用 1 1.2继电保护的原理和构成 1 1.3继电保护整定计算的基本任务及步骤 2 1.4继电保护整定计算的研究与发展状况 2 1.5变电站交流不间断点电源系统(UPS)的重要性 3 1.6本次设计的主要内容 3 2 继电保护及自动装置的配置及选型 4 2.1线路保护的配置方案及选型 4 2.2 变压器保护的配置及选型 7 2.3 发电机保护的配置及选型 8 2.4 其他自动装置的配置 10 3 继电保护的设计 13 3.1系统运行方式分析 13 3.2负荷点最大负荷电流的计算 13 3.3设备的选择 14 3.4线路保护整定计算 16 3.5变压器保护整定计算 27 4 变电所



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