
英语国家社会与文化 第四单元 PPT概要1.ppt

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英语国家社会与文化 第四单元 PPT概要1.ppt

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States Federal System power shifts away from the states and towards the national government Power is shared between the central government and the state government Americans are under two governments The state government The federal government Power of the federal government To declare war, to tax, to borrow or coin money and to regulate business and trade Two-party System 两党制 所谓两党制,是指在一个资本主义国家中,由两个势均力敌的政党通过竞选取得议会多数席位,或者赢得总统选举的胜利而轮流执掌政权的政党制度。是指一国内两大政党轮流执政的政治制度,并不是说实行两党制的国家内只存在两个执政党。 实行两党制的国家,通常是每隔几年进行一次议会选举或总统选举,由在议会中获得多数议席或当选为总统的一个政党组织政府,成为执政党;竞选失败的另一个政党成为反对党,不参加政府,只监督或牵制执政党的活动。 两党制又有两种类型: 一种以英国为代表的议会内阁制的两党制,其特点是一般由在议会中特别是下议院中占有多数议席的政党作为执政党,它不仅掌握行政权力,而且掌握立法权力; 英国议会内阁制中两党制的特点:A:两党的活动围绕议会选举展开,执政党不仅掌握行政权,也掌握立法权;B:两党采取集中制。 另一种以美国为代表的总统制的两党制,其特点是通常由在总统选举中获胜的一个政党作为执政党,它虽然掌握行政权,但不一定同时掌握立法权,具有立法权力的议会下议院的多数席位很可能被在总统竞选中失败的另一党占有。 (1)两党制主要表现在总统竞选上A:总统既是国家元首,又是行政首脑,掌握行政实权。B:两党在议会中席位的多少与执政党和非执政党的地位无关。※ (2)美国的两党制组织结构松散,没有严格的投票纪律 homework Prepare for Quiz for U3-4 next week Preview U5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Midterm elections in the United States refer to general elections in the United States that are held two years after the quadrennial (four-year) elections for the President of the United States. Federal offices that are up for election during the midterms are members of the United States Congress, including all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, and the full terms for 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate.* The Procedure Bill Read, commented on and amended in either house the bill was introduced Sent to the other house where a similar procedure occurs if it is passed Law When both houses pass the bill, it will be sent to the president. Only after it is signed by the president does the bill become a law * Most bills may be introduced in either House of Congress. However, the Constitution provides tha



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