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闭环供应链的销售渠道选择与协调策略研究 系统工程理论与实践 Systems Engineering-- Theory amp; Practice doi: 10.12011/1000-6788(2016)05-1180-13 中图分类号 F274 文献标志码 A 闭环供应链的销售渠道选择与协调策略研究 郑本荣杨超杨瑭曹晓刚 2 (1.华中科技大学管理学院,武汉 430074j 2. 武汉纺织大学管理学院,武汉 430073) Vo1.36 , No.5 孔1ay, 2016 摘要考虑由制造商、零售商与第三方回收商组成的闭环供应链,分别建立了集中与分散决策情 形下单渠道与双渠道销售模式的供应链决策模型.首先,通过求解得到了不同决策模型的均衡解及 利润;并进一步分析了集中与分散决策情形下闭环供应链的渠道选择决策,得到了供应链成员及整 个系统选择不同渠道模式的条件.然后,以集中化的最优决策结果为基准,探讨了双渠道闭环供应 链的协调问题,发现制造商通过将简单的价格契约与收益共享契约或两部收费制契约结合可实现 双渠道闭环供应链的协调.最后,运用数值算例分析了消费者的渠道偏好对闭环供应链影响,并验 证了所设计的契约对协调双渠道问环供应链的有效性. 关键词间环供应链;渠道选择;定价;协调;博弈 Coordination and channel selection in closed-loop supply chains ZHENG Benrong1, YANG Chao1, YANG Jun1, CAO Xiaogang2 (1. School of Management , Huazhong University of Science and Tcchnology, Wuhan 430074, Chi叫 2. School of Manageme时, 飞W凡i\Tu由1让巾h恼m削a旧an Textile Ur旭lll\ Abstract The single a汩an丑1d du凶时alchann阳时el models unde臼r c白en川1此tra剖ali且lZ囚e仪叫【d anclt;d decer且1t仕rali垃ze仅叫d ca创,se剧s are 11扣orm旧u吐llated in a closed-loop supply chain that comprises a manufacturer, a retailer and a third-party collector. Deriving and cornputing equilibria, we further analyze channel selection strategies of closed-loop supply chain in different rnodels and discuss the conditions in choosing single or dual sale channel frorn the perspectives of the chain rnernbers and the whole supply chain systern. Furtherrnore, with the benchrnark of the equilibriurn outcornes in the centralized rnodel, we 自nd that a simple pricing scherne, together with a cornplementary profit sharing rnechanism or a cornplernentary two-part tariff agreernent , can coordinate the dual channel closed-loop supply chain. Finally, we conduct sorne nurnerical exarnples to analyze the irnpacts of key rnodel pararneters on the equilibriurn results and profi钮, and further verify the effectiveness of the designed contract in coordinating the dual channel closed-loop supply chain. Keywords closed-loop supply chainj sales channel selectionj pricingj coordinationj garne the


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