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基于第三方回收再制造逆向物流网络设计 基于第三方回收再制造逆向物流网络设计① 高 阳,刘 军 (中南大学 商学院,长沙 410083) 摘 要:针对再制造逆向物流网络设计问题,在考虑产品回收量和消费市场需求量不确定的条件下,以第三方物 流企业收益最大化和制造商收益最大化为目标建立了基于第三方回收多周期再制造逆向物流网络模型.利用该 模型可以确定每个周期制造商购买第三方物流企业产品的最优价格,可以确定网络中回收中心和检测/拆卸中心 的开设数量以及各设施间的物流量分配.将不确定参数用三角模糊数表示,借助模糊机会约束规划方法将该模 型转化为确定性等价模型.利用算例验证了模型的有效性,并用目标规划法分析了两个目标之间的关系. 关键词:再制造;第三方物流企业;模糊机会约束规划方法;目标规划法 Remanufacturing Reverse Logistics Network Design Based on the Third-Party Recovery Under Fuzzy Environment GAOYang,LIU Jun (School ofBusiness,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China) Abstract:To deal with the design of remanufacturing reverse logistics network,considering the uncertainty of the product recovery and consumer market demand,a multi-period remanufacturing reverse logistics netw ork model based on third--party recovery Was established in order to maximize the benefits of both the third··party logistics supplier and the manufacturer.The model can be determined for the best price of produc~ that the manufacturer pays for the third-party logistics supplier each period.The numbers of recycling centers and inspection/disassembly centers,and the allocation of the corresponding goods flows in the network Can be decided.The uncertainty parameters were denoted by the triangular fuzzy numbers.W itll fuzzy chan ce constrained programming methods.the netw ork model in the un certain environment Can be transferred into a certainty equivalent mode1.The validity of the model Was illustrated by a numerical example,and the relationship betw een the tw o goals was an alyzed by goal programming method. Key words:remanufacturing;the third-party logistics supplier;fuzzy chance constrained programming methods;goal programming method l 引言 制造业是造成全球环境污染的主要来源,据统计 70%以上的排放物来自制造业,仅制造业每年就产生 55亿吨无害废物和7亿吨有害废物【l】.因此越来越多的 企业开始关注废旧品的回收再制造.再制造是通过必 要的拆卸、检修和零部件更换等,将废旧产品恢复得如 同新产品一样的过程【2】.目前废旧品的回收方式主要有 企业自主回收模式、企业联合回收模式以及第三方逆向 物流回收模式【 .第三方回收模式是由独立于厂商、销 ① 基金项目:国家自然科学基金 收稿时间:2012.12.20;收到修改稿时间:2013-01-18


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