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大家好! 人力与组织管理 MPO OUTCOME 4 是开卷报告 分成五部分 希望大家 辅导一部分写一部分 最后统稿 以提高终稿的质量 可以每次上课将写好的草稿部分给我看 已提出修改建议 ? This will take the form of an open-book report. The report should be approximately 1,500–2,000 words in length. ? The following information must be included in your report: ? ? identify, with reasons, the structure that best describes the organisation at present. Your description should include the way in which activities are currently grouped together and reasons for this 这是第一部分 已经讲完 要求描述目前 BBE 公司的组织状况 小标题可以是 ORGANISATIONAL ?STRUCTURE AT PRESENT ? 建议此部分分成三小部分 描述BBE的基本所有制形式 OWNERSHIP - PARTNERSHIP ........合伙制。。。。 描述公司管理层级较少 属于扁平型组织 FLAT ORGANISATION 。。。。。 员工理论上有更多计划参与决策。。。。 并且每一等级上都有不同分工 PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT? ROLES.......... 管理者的风格截然不同? MANAGEMENT STYLES OF DAVID AND NEIL ? ? 下周二继续讲 案例(续集) 以及报告第二部分相关知识 大家带好新老两份案例 ? 第2-5部分描述如下: ? describe a form of structure that would be more applicable for the organisation based on the proposed new developments. Again your description should include the way the organisation should be grouped ? ? using the Contingency Approach, describe how the main situational variables of task, technology and size have helped determine the new organisation structure ? ? identify the different line, staff, functional and/or lateral relationships within the proposed new structure (You may use a diagram for this part) ? ? describe how authority, responsibility and delegation should be exercised within the new structure ? ? identify, with reasons, the structure that best describes the organisation at present. Your description should include the way in which activities are currently grouped together and reasons for this ?需要说明 OWNERSHIP-PARTNERSHIP FLAT ORGANISATION - PURPOSE OF BBE, PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT ROLES AND?LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT STYLES OF DAVID AND NEIL ? ? describe a form of structure that would be more applicable for the organisation based on the proposed new developments. Again your description should include the way the or


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