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The Stylistic Features of Business English WritingAbstract: In this paper, it describes the stylistic feature of business English writing and points out that it owns five characters:plainness, clearness, conciseness, formalness, courtesy.Key words: business writing;stylistic;featureIt is generally accepted that: “ Business circle is likebattlefield”. In the business circle, time and efficiency are boththe struggling aims for both sides. Therefore, business Englishwriting needs conciseness and pursuit of efficiency. Turningover business English writing, we can see obviously that mostof them is coming straight to the point, frankly to the subjectmatter. It has no polite or seasonal greeting or salutation, nordoes unnecessary pleonasm. And the body of it also keeps tothe principle of plainness, clearness, conciseness, formalnessand courtesy.1 The Stylistic Feature of Business English Writing1.1 PlainnessGenerally speaking, business English writing is not likeliteratural English or advertisement English. It does not pursueshining words, especially avoiding the use of flaring ,desertedor obscure words; It does not aim at the artial beauty oflanguage so it employs seldom the rethoric methods, Such astrope, exaggeration, personification and so on. The language isunadorned even if it is a sale letter for commodity.Please look at the following sale letter for men’s suits:Gentlemen:Last year we achieved 30% increase in the sales of ourbusinessmen’s suits. We believed that this happy state ofaffairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed toavoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs.Second, we believe our designs and colors are the mostattractive that we have ever produced.And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our newseason’s suits are, if anything, more attractive than last year’sand our prices will compare very favourably with those of anyof our competitors. We believe that you will agree that oursamples prove the truth of our claims.
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