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HND人力资源 leadership
Managing People and Organisation
Written by Yin qi
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction1
2.0 Case Analysis
2.1Assess the main features of managerial work
2.2Describe the value of two mechanisms to measure managerial performance 1/2
2.3Identify and explain a behavioral theory of leadership 2/4
2.4Identify and explain either a contingency or transformational theory of leadership4/6
2.5 analyze how theories of leadership could be used to improve how managers lead staff through this change. 6/7
3.0 Conclusion7
4.0 Reference8
1.0 Introduction
In this report, the author will focus on five problem,the frist I will assess the main features of managerial work and explain/outline the main roles and activities of managers within Scotia Airways. And then describing the value of two mechanisms that could be used to measure managerial performance and justify how each could be used to assess managerial performance in Scotia Airways.The third and fourth will explain a behavioral theory of leadership.The last I will given the planned expansion that Scotia have undertaken, analyze how theories of leadership could be used to improve how managers lead staff through this change.
2.0 case analysis
2.1Assess the main features of managerial work
Management is a social organization, in order to achieve the desired objectives, with the artificial center of coordination activities. And Henri Fayol thinks that management is planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control.(managing people and organisation,2010,p235)
1.Planning:Henri Fayol thinks management means that in the future, foresee is management is an essential elements, foreseeing the purpose is to develop a plan of action. A good plan on the e
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