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交通运输专业英语 Lesson 15 Traffic Safety Protective measures for car occupants are of two kinds : (1) devices which restrain and control the movement of the occupant, bringing his body to rest by applying as little force as possible and preventing impacts with the interior of the car, and (2) alterations to the construction of the car. 对汽车乘员的保护措施有两类: (1) 通过施加尽可能小的作用力,限制和控制乘员的运动,从而防止其与汽车内部碰撞的装置; (2)汽车结构上的改造。 However, there are other sources of slackness in present day belts which tend to neutralize this advantage. 然而,目前安全带松弛有其他原因,这可能抵消其优点。 But the internal dimensions of cars are such that, by the time the passenger strikes whatever is in front of him inside the car ( generally the windscreen or instrument panel), the car has almost come to a standstill, so that the injury-producing impact takes place at something approaching the speed of the car before the collision. 但是,汽车内部的尺寸是这样的,以至于在乘客撞到车内前方的物体(通常是风窗玻璃或仪表板)前,汽车几乎停下来,所以导致伤害的碰撞以几乎接近于汽车碰撞前的速度发生(含义:)。 Most head-on collisions, whether with other vehicles or fixed objects, are not fully frontal, but offset, that is only part of the front of the car makes contract with the other vehicle or fixed object. 不论是与其他车辆或者固定物体,大多数的正面碰撞,并不完全是在前部,而有时只有汽车的前部的部分与其他汽车或者固定物体接触。 Unfortunately, the deformations in partial frontal impacts are already as great as can be tolerated and there is a case for increasing the stiffness of the front of cars, particularly on the driver’s side; this is more important for small than for large cars. 不幸的是,部分正面碰撞中的变形总是达到了容忍极限,从而需要提高汽车前部,特别是驾驶员一侧,与大车相比,小轿车上这一点更重要。 Tests have shown that it is possible to reconcile the two conflicting requirements by stiffening the sides of cars, strengthening and raising the sills and making alterations to the fronts of cars so that their strongest members make contact with the sills of struck cars. 试验证实,通过提高汽车侧面刚度,加强和升高底梁,改造汽车前部以使得最坚固的部件与被撞汽车的底梁接触,可以调和这两个矛盾的要求。 Efforts have been made in two directions either to retain the rider on the machine or to reduce the velocity with wh


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