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用… 把空肚子填满 fill an empty stomach with… 把汤烧焦 burn the soup 基本生活技能 basic life skills 一…就… as soon as 直到…才… not…until 简单的饭菜 simple dishes 在某人看来 in one’s opinion 过于依赖父母 depend too much on parents 收拾房间 tidy up the room 恰当的穿着 dress oneself properly 根本不 not…at all 告诉某人不要担心 tell sb. not to worry 告诉我照顾自己 tell me to look after myself 告诉我休息快点好起来 tell me to rest and get better soon Phrases 和某人共度一段休闲时光 spend some time off with sb. 武陵源风景名胜区 WLY Scenic and Historic Interest Area 390平方公里 390 square kilometers 一个有山有林有水的神奇的土地 a magic land of mountains, forests and rivers 以其高耸的奇形怪状的岩石闻名 be famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks 看起来像战士 look like soldiers 一个有名的中国画家 a famous Chinese painter 知道关于;了解听说 know about 在一个湖边安营扎寨 camp by a small lake 夜间 during the night 听到一声巨响 hear a loud noise 仿佛 as if 唤醒某人 wake up sb. 离开帐篷去做某事 leave the tent to do sth. 搞清楚;弄明白 find out 几分钟之后 after a few minutes 安静出来 come out quietly 森林深处 point into the forest 跳到树上 jump up into the trees 乘坐缆车上天子山 take a cable car up Mount Tianzi 从顶上 from the top 期待(欣赏)湖泊和森林的优美景致 hope for a wonderful view of the lakes and forests 透过云层看到山顶 see the mountain tops through the clouds 沿着小径走,路过树林 walk down the path, past trees 从一颗植物摘下一片叶子 pull a leaf off a plant 洗我的手 Wash my hands 做某事不对 It was wrong to do sth. 第二大淡水湖 The second largest fresh water lake 真希望你在场。 Wish you were here! 对于---有计划 have some plans for sth. 拜访山东的一些朋友 visit some friends in Shangdong 我们和他们呆在的时候,打算在那里呆几天。 While we’re staying with them, we’re going to spend a few days there. 在那里一直待到五月五日 stay there until May 5th. 庆祝劳动节 离五一最近的周一 有一天假 全国假日 在不同的日期 有特别的东西吗? celebrate May 1st the closest Monday to May 1st have one day off a national holiday on a different date Do you do anything special? go camping have a picnic somewhere nice go to the beach the end of the vacation season get cooler go back to school 去野营 在某个好地方野餐 去海滩 假期结束时 变凉 回学校 as soon as be over get better before the start of the summer holidays 一---就 结束 变好 在暑假开始之前 people all over the world celebrate



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