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第3版 Mini-world 万花筒;这么离奇的迷信观念?还真是让人想不到啊!;Wishbone You and your friend use your pinky fingers to break a wishbone. You get the longer piece? Great! You will have your wish come true!; have/get a bee in one’ bonnet;Word Bank 超纲词汇;couple /k2pl/ n.夫妇 by oneself 独自地 don’t worry 别担心 pick up 捡起,拾起 raise storms 掀起风暴 pinky finger 小指 come true 实现 at a wedding 在婚礼上;第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂;北京和香港的气候,你更喜欢哪一种呢?;hot, dry;这里就是“小王子”降落地球的地方——酷热难耐的撒哈拉沙漠。;★The Sahara Desert is b _ _. It is as big as America! ★The Sahara Desert is d _ _. There is so little water. When it rains in one place, it will not rain in the same place again for years. ★The Sahara Desert is h _ _ during the day. It is one of the hottest (最热的) places on earth. The highest recorded temperature is 58℃! ★The Sahara Desert is c _ _ _ at night, because sand loses heat very fast. The temperature can drop below 0℃ after sunset. ;中国南北地区的气候差异可是很大的哦!;I live in Beijing. I went to Hong Kong last March. Beijing’s spring is windy. Sandstorms often occur. But it’s warm and wet in Hong Kong. You feel comfortable there.;I come from Hong Kong. But now I live in Beijing. It’s cool here in autumn. On the hills, you can see lots of maple trees with red leaves. They are so beautiful! Hong Kong’s autumn is like summer. It’s hot.;课外点拨;The houses around (环绕) the Aegean Sea have white walls and blue domes (圆屋顶). The streets are very clean. What a beautiful place! There are many big windmills (风车) on the islands (岛屿). It is windy there, so people use windmills to get power (电力).;周周练;comfortable /k2mf=t=bl/ adj. 舒服的 sandstorm /s7ndst6:m/ n. 沙尘暴 occur /=k+:/ v. 发生,出现 temperature /temp=rIt5=/ n. 气温,温度 typhoon /taIfu:n/ n. 台风 move /mu:v/ v. 移居,搬家 miss /mIs/ v. 想念;sand /s7nd/ n. 沙 earth /+:0/ n. (the Earth)地球 sunset /s2nset/ n. 日落 last March 去年三月 last summer holiday 去年暑假 go beyond 超过 maple tree 枫树 two years ago 两年前 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠;as ... as sth. 和???物一样…… during the day 在白天 highe


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