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德霖學報「第二十三期」 民國 98年 6月 三維變形量測應用及精度之探討 三維變形量測應用及精度之探討 1 2 2 范富雄 、李文貴 、陳永泉 1 2 德霖技術學院營建科技系副教授、 德霖技術學院營建科技系講師 摘要 『自由測站法』與『三角三邊法』均為測量求點位座標的方法,此兩種方法於原理細節上或有不同, 但是均應用到最小二乘法原理。使用『自由測站法』的最適當時機為應用於不適合釘點設站之地點,例 如隧道施工開挖中之變形監測或是一般測量點位不適宜設站時,可以採用自由測站法予以施測。而三角 三邊法乃是一種廣泛應用於工程界測量之加密控制點的普遍方法。本文以『自由測站法』進行外業觀測 並記錄數據,探討其與三角三邊程式所執行之結果,並作座標值之比對,另外探討以三角三邊法輔助自 由測站法之可行性。 關鍵詞 :自由測站法、三角三邊法、可靠度。 The Application and Precision Analysis of 3-D Deformation Measurement. 1 2 2 Fu-Hsiung Fan 、Wen-kuei Li 、Yung-Chiuan Chen 1Associate Professor, Department of Construction Science Technology, De Lin Institute of Technology. 2Lecturer, Department of Construction Science Technology, De Lin Institute of Technology. Abstract To get coordinates of survey points two surveying techniques is used such as method of trilateral- triangulation network adjustment and free station method. These two methods on the details may be different, but both applied to the principle of least squares. The best time to use free station method is the place which is not suitable for the instruments to be located at the station sites, such as deformation measurement of the tunnel excavation project or the situation is not appropriated for the instrument to center over the station with. In addition to use free station method in field deformation monitoring to find out the d


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