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德明學報 第三十七卷第一期 民國 102年 6 月 pp.53-62 樂活意識對服飾消費態度之影響 樂活意識對服飾消費態度之影響 The Effect of LOHAS toward Consumers’ Attitudes for Clothing Purchases 徐秀如 Hsiu-Ju, Hsu 國立屏東科技大學 時尚設計與管理系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Design and Management National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 摘要 本研究主要目的為了解不同程度樂活意識 與服飾消費者購買態度 之關係 。採自填式問卷調查法 ,發 放對象以臺灣台北地區與屏東地區的消費者為主。回收共計 697份 ,有效問卷為 307份 (台北地區 161份; 屏東地區 146份 ) 。結果發現具有樂活意識較高程度 與樂活意識較低程度 之新世代消費者對於服飾的購買 態度呈現顯著差異,反而在樂活意識較高程度 之新世代消費者其人口統計變數對於服飾的購買態度呈現 無顯著差異。 關鍵字 :樂活意識、服飾、態度 、消費者行為 Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between the different levels of LOHAS and consumers’attitudes for clothing purchases. The self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from Taipei and Pingtung in Taiwan. Overall, 697 questionnaires were obtained. After the screening of the questionnaires, for a total number of 307 questionnaires (161 of the questionnaires from Taipei and 146 of the questionnaires for Pingtung) were eligible for analysis in this study. The results revealed that there were significant differences between low and high levels of LOHAS of consumers ’attitudes for clothing purchases. However, there were no significant differences between the high level of LOHAS of consumers ’attitude and the demographic background for clothing purchases. Keywords: LOHAS, Clothing, Attitude, Consumer Behavior 53 德明學報 第三十七卷第一期 壹、導論 樂活是音譯 LOHAS 而來,LOHAS 是英語 Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability 的縮寫,定義 為「一群人在做消費決策時,會考慮到自己與家人的健康和環境責任」( 「樂活」LOHAS 的定義, 2011) 。以回收


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