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1. 毕加索被认为是二十世纪最伟大的西方艺术家。 Picasso was considered to be the greatest western artist of the twenties century. 2. 现代艺术目标是展示二十世纪的普通城市生活。 Pop art aims to show ordinary twentieth-century city life. 3.齐白石遵循中国传统绘画风格,并且像其他人一样使用毛笔,墨汁和自然色。 Qi Baishi followed the traditional Chinese style of painting and used brushes, black inks and natural colors like others. 4. 徐悲鸿因为他栩栩如生的骏马图非常出名。 Xu Beihong is most famous for his lively paintings of horses. 5. 我厌倦一直看着图片。 I get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 6. 我不能忍受那个金发女孩的绘画作品。 I can’t stand the picture of a golded-haired girl. 7. 他推迟完成那幅画,因为他不喜欢它。 He put off completing the picture, because he didn’t like it. 8. 临摹图画是一个学习画画的好方式。 Imitating a picture is a good way to learn to paint. 9. 帮助其他人让我感觉很好。 Helping others make me feel really good. 10.人们普遍认为自控能力在人的一生中 起到重要作用。 People generally agree that the ability of self-control plays an important part in the life. 11. 昨天汤姆发生了一场交通事故。 An accident happened to Tom yesterday. 12. 今天早上机场发生大火,导致两人死亡20人受伤。 A big fire broke out at the airport this morning, causing two deaths and twenty injuries. 13. 窗帘和油漆的颜色不太相配。 The curtains and the paint don’t match well. 14. 人们认为贝尔发明了电话。 Bell is considered to have invented the phone. 15. 在老人的指导下,我们没有困难地找到了他的房子。 With the old man leading the way, we had no difficulty in finding his house. 16.长途旅行后,他们三个回到家里,又饿又累。 After the long journey, the three of them went back home, hungry and tired. 17.他打算到周末时完成他的绘画。 He is attempting to finish his painting by the weekend. 18. 她答应带我去艺术馆看看。 She promised to take me around the art gallery. 19. 这本小说和你昨天买的一样好。 The novel is as good as the one you bought yesterday. 20. 随着房价逐年上升,很多人发现买房困难。 With the house price going up year by year, many people find it hard to buy one. 模块五 Jan.21 1.他将他的其余财产分给了兄弟姐妹。 He divided the rest of his property among his brothers and sisters. 2.由于糟糕的天气我们将推迟运动会。 We will put off the sports meeting as a result of the bad weather.


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