HTB05变频调速异步电动机用户手册HTB05 AC Drilling Motor User Manual.pdf

HTB05变频调速异步电动机用户手册HTB05 AC Drilling Motor User Manual.pdf

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User Manual of HTB05C D AC Drilling Motor HTB05CD HTB05 AC Drilling Motor User Manual YJ05.000.000SC Chengdu Hongtian Electrical Drive Engineering Co., Ltd. 2010-03 Mar., 2010 User Manual of HTB05C D AC Drilling Motor Before operation, we would like you to read this manual carefully which providing information to you to encourage proper installation, operation, maintenance and repair. Keep this manual for using in the future! 1.  1  2.  2  3.  4  4.  7  5.  8  6.  13  7. 17  8. 17  1 HTB05C   2 HTB05D   Contents  1.  Service Conditions 1  2. Basic data 2  3. Construction Introduction 4  4. Installation and Operation 7  5. Fault Analysis 8  6. Maintenance 13  7. Transportation and Storage 17  8. Main Purchase Parts List 18  Attached drawing 1 HTB05C Motor Outline Drawing  Attached drawing 2 HTB05D Motor Outline Drawing  User Manual of HTB05C D AC Drilling Motor Safety Warnings * HTB05 * * * This manual is applicable for HTB05 VF Induction Motor. Must read it before operate the product. Be sure all power is off before dismantling parts. Assemble it after inspection, if tightening bolt or screw damaged, replace with new one not less than the former. If need to replace the part with protective requirement caused by damage or rust, it strongly recommended to contact its manufacturer for change or purchase. 1. Service Conditions Motor should operate unde


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