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Homework 1.抄写P113,114课单词。家长报听写并签字。 2.背诵113课,家长签字。 3.完成随课练113,114课 4.预习115,116课 Lesson 113 Small change conductor 1)n. 售票员 2)n. 指挥 Listen and answer! Language points Air f______ is cheaper in the low season. “Poor little dog,” the t________ said sadly. Most of the p___________ on Titanic lost their lives in 1912. Can you help me to change this n_______? “Heres your ticket and c_______,” the c_________ said. no形容词,在句中一般修饰别的名词 no+ n. (所有的东西全然没有) no= not…any not否定副词 I’ve got no small change. I haven’t got any small change. I haven’t got any envelops. I have got no envelops. I have got none. pron,表示 (三个或三个以上的人或事物中)任何一个都不/没有;所有的都不/没有任何东西. 我没买什么东西 I bought none. 没有一个学生会回答那个问题。 None of the students could answer the question. 我们所有的人都没有出过国,或我们当中没有一个人出过国。 None of us have/ has ever been abroad. 所有的人都不完美。 None of us are perfect. pron. 两者都不 (否定含义) 单独使用: Do you like red or black? Neither, I like white. neither of作主语谓语用单数 这些答案都不正确。 Neither of the answers is right. 我们俩都不是学生。 Neither of us is a student. neither......nor..... 既不.....也不...... 做主语,谓语就近一致 eg: Neither he or I like noddles. prep. 除……外(不包括) Everybody went to the library, except me 除了我每个人都去了图书馆。(去图书馆里的人不包括我) except for 除…以外,要不是 Your essay is good except for some spelling mistakes. 要不是一些拼写错误,你的文章还是很好的。 这部电影除了结尾之外都很好。 The movie was good except for the ending. 要不是头疼的话,我会和你们在一起的。 I would join you except for my headache. Lesson 114 Ive got none. either,too都表示“也” 前者用于否定句,后者用于肯定句。 * * conductor a passenger bus driver a ten-yuan note small change fare n. 车费,车票(可数名词) a bus fare a taxi fare an air fare eg: 请买票! Fares,please! 到罗马的飞机票多少钱? How much is the fare to Rome? change v. 1) 兑换.找开 Can you change this ten-pound note? Can I change pounds into dollars here? 2)改变 她改变了她的想法。 She changed her mind 让我们换个话题。 Let’s change the topic. n. 零钱。不可数名词。 note 1) 纸币 bill 一张五英镑的纸币 a five-pound note 2)便条 留张便条 leave a note 3) notes 笔记,备忘录 记笔记 take notes When you get on the bus, you find that you have no small



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