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European Culture: An Introduction Division Five The Seventeenth Century 1.Advance in science, in astronomy,physics and pure mathematics. 3. The newly emerged class, the bourgeoisie(中产阶级). Some revolutions 1.英国资产阶级革命1640——1689 2.英国内战 1642—1648年 3.克伦威尔统治时期 1649—1660年 4.斯图亚特王朝复辟 1660-1688年 5.光荣革命1688年 Bertrand Russell Said: The modern world, so far as mental outlook is concerned, begins in the seventeenth century. II. Science a breakthrough in physics and mathematics in the 17th century Chemistry in 18th century Biology in 19th century Psychology in 20th century Genetics in 21th century Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼 (1473-1543) 哥白尼的学说不仅改变了那个时代人类对宇宙的认识,而且根本动摇了欧洲中世纪宗教神学的理论基础。 Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼 (1473-1543) 恩格斯的评价: “从此自然科学便开始从神学中解放出来” (The emancipation of natural science from theology dates from this act) “科学的发展从此便大踏步前进” (Thence forward, the development of the sciences proceeded with giant strides.) B. Johannes Kepler 约翰尼斯·开普勒 The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs 〈天体运行论〉 德国天文学家、物理学家、数学家 Kepler’s Laws开普勒定律: three laws of planetary motion 三大行星定律 three laws of planetary motion三大定律 1. Each planet moves in an ellipse, not a perfect circle, with the sun at one focus; 行星沿椭圆轨道运行,太阳占这椭圆的一个焦点。 2 Each planet moves more rapidly when near the sun than farther from it.   一个行星和太阳之间的连接线,在相等的时间内扫出相等的面积,乃行星在离太阳近的地方运行得比在远的地方快。  3. The distance of each planet from the sun bears s definite relation to the time period the planet took to complete a revolution around the sun. 一个行星的公转周期平方与这行星和太阳之间的平均距离成正比。 Galileo Galilei伽利略·伽利莱 (1564-1642) The greatest name in the physics of the period. 意大利天文学家 数学家 物理学家 哲学家 Galileo Galilei伽利略·伽利莱 The first to apply the telescope to the study of the sky他是利用 望远镜观测天体取得大量成果的第一位科学 His discoveries: acceleration in dynamics 动力加速度 The law if inertia 惯性定律 The law of falling bodies 落体定律 Major Works: Sidereus Nunci


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